Resolve to Get Ready for University

Resolve to Get Ready for University

Is one of your resolutions to prepare for university? VIU students share what they did – or wish they did – while still in high school to ensure they get off to a super start.

  1. Take a tour: Melanie, a Biology major, says getting familiar with the lay of the land before the first day of classes makes it less overwhelming when you actually get here. VIU offers a number of different guided, self-guided and virtual tour options. You can even sit in on a class, meet with faculty or go over options with a recruiter.

  2. Talk to an advisor: Once Kyra was accepted at VIU, the Bachelor of Arts student’s next step was connecting with an educational advisor, which made the transition easier because she felt like she already had a support system in place. Advisors can help you discover, plan and work toward your educational goals once you have applied to VIU or are ready to apply.

  3. Try it out in advance: One option that helped Kyra out was taking a university course while she was still in high school, to get a better feel for what to expect in a university classroom. The bonus? You can earn dual credit towards both high school graduation and your university program. There are a number of dual credit options available through VIU.

  4. Relax a little: Shannah, a Criminology major, remembers how stressful the prospect of going to university was for her. She suggests letting go of the need to have the next four years of your life figured out before June – most don’t. It’s okay to not be sure where you’re going in university, she says, just apply and see where it takes you.