VIU Blog

VIU Blog

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VIU Student Pulse News: March 20, 2024

What's going on at VIU 🍏

Creating a safe place to play and learn

Child and Youth Care students participate in community program

Unlocking the mysteries of the human mind

Bachelor of Science student Emily Mahony shares her story

13 strategies for exam success

Effective tips to reduce stress and increase your grade point average

A role model for giving back

Demitria Rounis shares her story

VIU Student Pulse News: December 1, 2021

Magic show, wellness breaks and your chance to win prizes 💰

Wayfinding at VIU

Check out the survey results and what's next!

Cultivating the courage to complete her education: Leanor Hampton

Celebrating Indigenous mentorship at VIU

Your top questions about VIU's Engineering Technologist program, answered

What an engineering technologist does, career options and what makes VIU’s program unique

Academic Plan Roundtables

Add your thoughts - in-person or on Zoom