Join us in exploring the labs, offices and research facilities of Vancouver Island University! In our community classrooms, you can meet our faculty and students, discover new environments and change the world alongside us. We're excited to share our knowledge and passions with you.
Learning to help people through their final stages of life
VIU is launching an end-of-life doula course
Living the agrarian life
English Professor Dr. Toni Smith’s experiences with the back-to-the-land movement
What does it mean to hold space for queerness in the classroom?
Dr. Marni Stanley shares her personal journey as a student and teacher
Your questions about the violin, answered
James Mark shares his insights into the instrument
Virtual Field Trip: Tracks in the snow
A Shoots with Roots adventure
Herring and the health of the Salish Sea
VIU's Engaged Citizens Speaker Series featuring Bryce Casavant from Pacific Wild
How do songs develop character and progress plot in musical theatre?
Eliza Gardiner shares the inspiration behind her ballads
How do government policies affect housing affordability?
Katarina Litva examines housing issues in Louisville, Kentucky
Preserving the sacrifices of armed forces members for future generations
Two innovative ways people are using letters from the Canadian Letters and Images Project
Ask Me Anything Virtual Guest Speaker Series
Are you interested in having a scientist or mathematician visit your class and tell your students all about the projects and research they are working on? VIU professors and student researchers in our Faculty of Science and Technology are excited to share their knowledge, experience and passions with your students via virtual classroom visits. Parents homeschooling their children may also be able to take advantage of this exciting new series. This free service comes with only one catch – be sure to bring some questions for our speaker to answer!