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revisions" 25 => "delete media" 26 => "delete own article content" 27 => "delete own audio media" 28 => "delete own document media" 29 => "delete own image media" 30 => "delete own page content" 31 => "delete own remote_video media" 32 => "delete own video media" 33 => "delete page revisions" 34 => "edit any audio media" 35 => "edit any basic block content" 36 => "edit any block_image_cta block content" 37 => "edit any block_image_link block content" 38 => "edit any collapsible_group block content" 39 => "edit any contact block content" 40 => "edit any document media" 41 => "edit any flex_cta block content" 42 => "edit any image media" 43 => "edit any photo_gallery block content" 44 => "edit any remote_video media" 45 => "edit any site content" 46 => "edit any social_media_links block content" 47 => "edit any video media" 48 => "edit own article content" 49 => "edit own audio media" 50 => "edit own comments" 51 => "edit own document media" 52 => "edit own image media" 53 => "edit own page content" 54 => "edit own remote_video media" 55 => "edit own video media" 56 => "edit terms in tags" 57 => "mark as hidden in editoria11y" 58 => "revert all revisions" 59 => "update any media" 60 => "update media" 61 => "use editorial transition create_new_draft" 62 => "use editorial transition submit_for_review" 63 => "view all revisions" 64 => "view any unpublished content" 65 => "view editoria11y checker" 66 => "view latest version" 67 => "view own unpublished content" 68 => "view the administration theme" ] ] "bundle" => "user_role" ] 1 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "editor" "message" => "Recursion detected." "array_path" => "revision_uid.0.entity.roles.0.entity" ] ] "default_langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "metatag" => array:3 [ 0 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "title" "content" => "mcgarrigj | News" ] ] 1 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "description" "content" => "News" ] ] 2 => array:2 [ "tag" => "link" "attributes" => array:2 [ "rel" => "canonical" "href" => "" ] ] ] "path" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "langcode" => "en" ] ] "field_managed_account" => [] "field_user_display_name" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "Jenn McGarrigle" ] ] "field_viu_user_type" => [] "user_picture" => [] ] "bundle" => "user" ] ] "revision_log" => [] "status" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "uid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "7" "message" => "Recursion detected." "array_path" => "revision_uid.0.entity" ] ] "title" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "VIU Student Pulse: August 17, 2022" ] ] "created" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1660772265" ] ] "changed" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1713983422" ] ] "promote" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "sticky" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "0" ] ] "default_langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "revision_default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "revision_translation_affected" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "moderation_state" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "published" ] ] "metatag" => array:3 [ 0 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "title" "content" => "VIU Student Pulse: August 17, 2022 | Vancouver Island University | Canada" ] ] 1 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "description" "content" => "Back to school is just a few weeks away! In this first edition of the Student Pulse newsletter for the 2022-23 academic year, we have the information you need to get off to a good start.\u{A0}For new students looking to get familiar with VIU services and supports in advance of school start-up, RockVIU new student orientation starts on August 29. More details below!\u{A0}" ] ] 2 => array:2 [ "tag" => "link" "attributes" => array:2 [ "rel" => "canonical" "href" => "" ] ] ] "url_slug" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "viu-student-pulse-august-17-2022" ] ] "path" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "alias" => "/blog/viu-student-pulse-august-17-2022" "pid" => "255" "langcode" => "en" ] ] "menu_link" => [] "body" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "value" => """ \n <html><body><p>Back to school is just a few weeks away! In this first edition of the Student Pulse newsletter for the 2022-23 academic year, we have the information you need to get off to a good start.<br> <br>For new students looking to get familiar with VIU services and supports in advance of school start-up, RockVIU new student orientation starts on August 29. More details below! </p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><span><strong>RockVIU new student orientation </strong></span>🤩</h3><p><span>Are you a new or returning student looking for info on services, supports and resources, or to connect with peers? Come to RockVIU 2022, which runs August 29 to September 2 this year. Activities include campus excursions, fireside chats, the Connect Fair Festival, Q&A panels, block party socials and the Summer Nights Festival and Drive-in Movie night. More information is available on the RockVIU homepage.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,7VSyWlVFVcC8Y_pM27z8rzFmEBhxygBVk-7pLZgANrvcTjuk9kZdwuYCnPJ4ggQn5DfjIoQ8ivWL8KkFrFgjtaXUlL2mEjaXYQGJvDBO&typo=1" title=",1,7VSyWlVFVcC8Y_pM27z8rzFmEBhxygBVk-7pLZgANrvcTjuk9kZdwuYCnPJ4ggQn5DfjIoQ8ivWL8KkFrFgjtaXUlL2mEjaXYQGJvDBO&typo=1">Registration is now open</a>!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Welcome Week: September 6, 7 and 8 </strong></span>🙋\u{200D}♀️</h3><p><span>During the first week of school thousands of students come through the front doors of the Students’ Union Building to buy textbooks, bus passes, manage their health and dental plan, and visit the campus pub. Throughout this week we create a festive atmosphere with music, interesting vendors and giveaways for students in front of our building from 10 am – 2 pm. Welcome Week will be held outdoors in front of the VIUSU building.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,KkjbeUahb9f0pP5wNwou2iJQzzWlwOStoLH4gD1e4FyJGf-uCydRxxsFp6dJwqt-1wvySpTKBed1ahTNlooVEmN73BvVDg3POvr15GS27pY2nQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,KkjbeUahb9f0pP5wNwou2iJQzzWlwOStoLH4gD1e4FyJGf-uCydRxxsFp6dJwqt-1wvySpTKBed1ahTNlooVEmN73BvVDg3POvr15GS27pY2nQ,,&typo=1">Volunteer to help out</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>FROSH Week 2022: September 20, 21 and 22 </strong></span>🥳</h3><p><span>FROSH Week 2022 is an exciting, VIUSU-organized, three-day festival to celebrate and welcome all new and returning students at Vancouver Island University.<a href=",1,nK8ebMkRNu_ZmTdOiprJ23Sun9VduQ2Bx2oHKsQr_jRkEoFyt-VD1sbiUbCQjmwRrAYjkHdsDoF8Jv17mH1u2bPzVCzMhh1LM8wQcYezjbpL99KgtDsRVec,&typo=1" title=",1,nK8ebMkRNu_ZmTdOiprJ23Sun9VduQ2Bx2oHKsQr_jRkEoFyt-VD1sbiUbCQjmwRrAYjkHdsDoF8Jv17mH1u2bPzVCzMhh1LM8wQcYezjbpL99KgtDsRVec,&typo=1">Volunteer to help out</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>at these events:</span></p><ul><li><span><strong>Paint your FROSH:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></strong>September 20, 3 to 6 pm in the RBC Plaza (beside the bus loop).</span></li><li><span><strong>Pancake breakfast:</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>September 21 from 8 to 11 am (or until we run out) outside the VIUSU building (193).</span></li><li><span><strong>Outdoor concert ft. DiRTY RADiO, WASAKAKA and ANUSHKA KASHYAP.</strong>September 22, 4 to 9 pm in the RBC Plaza (beside the bus loop).</span> </li></ul><h3><span><strong>Seeking Student Ambassadors </strong></span><span>📣</span></h3><p><span>Want to share your knowledge of campus and all the wonderful opportunities and supports VIU has to offer prospective and new students? As a Student Ambassador you will have the opportunity to earn money while taking courses and engage and support the Office of Future Students and the Advising Centre in a few different ways:</span><span></span></p><ol><li><span>Provide campus tours to prospective and new VIU students.</span></li><li><span>Participate in on-campus and off-campus recruitment and student support events.</span></li><li><span>Share your VIU student experience during face-to-face and virtual events.</span></li></ol><p><span>View the job posting and apply through<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,WezS7qdyboZvqJIq9xeFW3yUkavoJ9WKqb6et89Jqty34dcyWFeDbxFIshtgFQSaX9I8vIJGexuYX4nEo3PsezU0rrPJvWoX4VB80q-OvJGBVQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,WezS7qdyboZvqJIq9xeFW3yUkavoJ9WKqb6et89Jqty34dcyWFeDbxFIshtgFQSaX9I8vIJGexuYX4nEo3PsezU0rrPJvWoX4VB80q-OvJGBVQ,,&typo=1">CareerView</a>. Feel free to send your questions to <a href="" title=""></a>.</span></p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><span><strong>Road Trips and Local Hikes </strong></span><span>🥾🌲</span></h3><p><span>Join the Cultural Connections Road Trips team as we embark on exciting adventures to awe-inspiring locations. Every semester, we prepare a schedule of seasonal weekly Road Trips activities available to all registered VIU students. We also head outdoors and explore some of the most scenic and awe-inspiring local hiking trails Nanaimo and has to offer with the <a href=",1,E4f_ck3BcG6UeUf79RNFHSveEURj7mX-IgVWmyF-99UMQRKd4nMIwMrvA-rBDv8p_LySBya7N_iiPRKcsyyILObvEDp64c9yDc4VNfh0Rg,,&typo=1" title=",1,E4f_ck3BcG6UeUf79RNFHSveEURj7mX-IgVWmyF-99UMQRKd4nMIwMrvA-rBDv8p_LySBya7N_iiPRKcsyyILObvEDp64c9yDc4VNfh0Rg,,&typo=1">Local Hikes</a> program. Be sure to check out the International <a href=",1,DoOcX-ycKFZ-4t4L8b2nZXPzkhYlqzJV_lU4kwNPpljK3HUtBq6emN6xCFPALbuRqtHoLyrZep7KJjVFB92J_YvWf1EsYR96kfkPga5Lli-RK0tyGK_jwHm03Q,,&typo=1" title=",1,DoOcX-ycKFZ-4t4L8b2nZXPzkhYlqzJV_lU4kwNPpljK3HUtBq6emN6xCFPALbuRqtHoLyrZep7KJjVFB92J_YvWf1EsYR96kfkPga5Lli-RK0tyGK_jwHm03Q,,&typo=1">Monthly Event Calendar</a> for more details.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Campus Store gear sale </strong></span><span>👕</span></h3><p><span>Want some VIU swag for the fall? From August 17 to September 2, get 20% off VIU-branded apparel (in-store only).<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Take your studies abroad </strong></span><span>🌍</span></h3><p><span>The Education Abroad office wishes Bon Voyage to our first outbound Exchange students in two years! If you’re interested in taking your studies abroad, apply by October 6 for the VIU Exchange program. Study in English at one of our 20+ partner universities around the world. <strong>Funding opportunities are available, be sure to check out the</strong> <a href=",1,4WznVT-KdojF0Y7djmTShdmT0O0cZnGbxsQk4nJdcc-paUf3Qf_Q7VvX8OY7zyAwRHlnDL2c0cbtnL8V6o5Auu60XjG3QT8s6kYnVV5hnJeRF0CH&typo=1" title=",1,4WznVT-KdojF0Y7djmTShdmT0O0cZnGbxsQk4nJdcc-paUf3Qf_Q7VvX8OY7zyAwRHlnDL2c0cbtnL8V6o5Auu60XjG3QT8s6kYnVV5hnJeRF0CH&typo=1"><strong>Education Abroad website</strong></a> <strong>for more info.</strong><br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Sunshine, surfing and social media </strong></span><span>☀️🏄\u{200D}♀️📱</span></h3><p><span>With summer vacation and staycations wrapping up, you might feel tempted to share the latest and greatest events on social media. But social media communication is not done without risk. <br>Connect and <a href=",1,P_rZQnO-BEwtEPfTB0BMVe-yM6GEYXu7F9tHrgOkjQwBmTioxxGwJcnYJw66LzHE8XsiG60j1GHmB7eAhmKOYs-MDcpKK6rHPInTtB6C6kHXu1PuotIkrw7d&typo=1" title=",1,P_rZQnO-BEwtEPfTB0BMVe-yM6GEYXu7F9tHrgOkjQwBmTioxxGwJcnYJw66LzHE8XsiG60j1GHmB7eAhmKOYs-MDcpKK6rHPInTtB6C6kHXu1PuotIkrw7d&typo=1">practice safe social</a> this year with these security tips: </span><span></span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,ktwyGClLelEixQZ1TetHitmxxa-BTLEypThtTpAZlMfsd3q2-D_aHfcPCqXACL2wokxM20g2lKRdRKRXmzsp4o5TFy7JiLr9nUZbjWyJ&typo=1" title=",1,ktwyGClLelEixQZ1TetHitmxxa-BTLEypThtTpAZlMfsd3q2-D_aHfcPCqXACL2wokxM20g2lKRdRKRXmzsp4o5TFy7JiLr9nUZbjWyJ&typo=1">Prepare your devices</a>.</span></li><li><span>Adjust your privacy settings. Here are some guides on how to set your privacy settings for <a href=",1,QkPa749RAg_y0LFO6UaJmYFSBL1WGJyM5h07l0XLXGzLURTsNd3kVzdzZKHgLe8QDfssxbgvah-t2xYvECecHgJiw983myjxhIGEyla0NEI,&typo=1" title=",1,QkPa749RAg_y0LFO6UaJmYFSBL1WGJyM5h07l0XLXGzLURTsNd3kVzdzZKHgLe8QDfssxbgvah-t2xYvECecHgJiw983myjxhIGEyla0NEI,&typo=1">Facebook</a>, <a href=",1,nb7ghMTs6zV5y1Ehgt8mQ9hFWUjmK8xAydrMi1k4-R0gsTYep_8hH4kcPxmeVreagQq3EYOLNgHIWr8XcuCjuMvpHDPO1OC1jDES3glqOBMZ&typo=1" title=",1,nb7ghMTs6zV5y1Ehgt8mQ9hFWUjmK8xAydrMi1k4-R0gsTYep_8hH4kcPxmeVreagQq3EYOLNgHIWr8XcuCjuMvpHDPO1OC1jDES3glqOBMZ&typo=1">Instagram</a>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,gi1M4bL2ol3qbMhxKGnzVgImjTxRGmrMrgY9v9Pfr0ZgChWT1NZQ_Cu5qZq38uDQBjssx6L5AvPWYOce6CMOmjLHhwgvxMK7kcLURNv-sg,,&typo=1" title=",1,gi1M4bL2ol3qbMhxKGnzVgImjTxRGmrMrgY9v9Pfr0ZgChWT1NZQ_Cu5qZq38uDQBjssx6L5AvPWYOce6CMOmjLHhwgvxMK7kcLURNv-sg,,&typo=1">Twitter</a>, <a href=",1,ovC-AZGC0r9kRFCeEbF0x6GbsHpXyoNj6NnRqol91zdLlwHWA5f1gpQ2e5U7A3DKTMtw7MNe2ZqZTJqlMW0tGBTidPIjOaFbaW0vDxr3caufUXvgLBCw&typo=1" title=",1,ovC-AZGC0r9kRFCeEbF0x6GbsHpXyoNj6NnRqol91zdLlwHWA5f1gpQ2e5U7A3DKTMtw7MNe2ZqZTJqlMW0tGBTidPIjOaFbaW0vDxr3caufUXvgLBCw&typo=1">LinkedIn</a> and <a href=",1,m7LNJq9Q_ZQ-gX6NkKBVlfCGXaOGliv_C2Yi5eAWVBB_x0cBwkwmW6l9j8qFp4ZltkaH0UP7YUfgy2lBeL9hX-exifzgSSFbYJ-kb95pdjLvLhA,&typo=1" title=",1,m7LNJq9Q_ZQ-gX6NkKBVlfCGXaOGliv_C2Yi5eAWVBB_x0cBwkwmW6l9j8qFp4ZltkaH0UP7YUfgy2lBeL9hX-exifzgSSFbYJ-kb95pdjLvLhA,&typo=1">many others</a>.</span></li><li><span>Keep <a href=",1,YMjhgyTZDBZflFDaUVwphLqSxCtJfVhsuis64LvSmcREm2n8NsMAphvWS5HMq3-L9N4TjGCNhFj6tF859aSkEtHQcTIyMpKoozDmjnmzlpxFybRysj3gJ6C7P56k&typo=1" title=",1,YMjhgyTZDBZflFDaUVwphLqSxCtJfVhsuis64LvSmcREm2n8NsMAphvWS5HMq3-L9N4TjGCNhFj6tF859aSkEtHQcTIyMpKoozDmjnmzlpxFybRysj3gJ6C7P56k&typo=1">private information private</a>:</span><ul><li><span>Do not post in real time – wait until you return home.</span></li><li><span>Turn off location sharing on your social media platforms.</span></li></ul></li><li><span><a href=",1,JSrLqvNZTSrdubtL7qcEWdegkN76-5riUrCVwGBQm1mN_XjJANsUTnO-c9NrGoyx1pWPaYSatlUcScvrQmSgMTWi2kSSXQinEy75s_17Y5H5aQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,JSrLqvNZTSrdubtL7qcEWdegkN76-5riUrCVwGBQm1mN_XjJANsUTnO-c9NrGoyx1pWPaYSatlUcScvrQmSgMTWi2kSSXQinEy75s_17Y5H5aQ,,&typo=1">Connect with Care</a>.</span></li><li><span>Forget fake news, it is all about <a href=",1,ira28-nepqdUBnncWYBX0u9N1U9H3tVaZPJZIEmctuTOxFzskRXskSlpeM0jeit-tLn51WSNbcYFTXddWSJJd7-4DP6cP2C1jAqClSHytRRFxFqKEFqrGkw,&typo=1" title=",1,ira28-nepqdUBnncWYBX0u9N1U9H3tVaZPJZIEmctuTOxFzskRXskSlpeM0jeit-tLn51WSNbcYFTXddWSJJd7-4DP6cP2C1jAqClSHytRRFxFqKEFqrGkw,&typo=1">scams on social media</a>. </span></li></ul><p><span>Looking for more? Check out your <a href=",1,JPC2cTi87WaV7QxYkU_CNgJzFTSlv4AW5ilH8wLN4AKXg2LTYh54pMsFJv5nglY1kMBjCfHDZPyEKbAEjUIRs9lZJhaBPGPohP7Vqjbj3dtD4QOJdQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,JPC2cTi87WaV7QxYkU_CNgJzFTSlv4AW5ilH8wLN4AKXg2LTYh54pMsFJv5nglY1kMBjCfHDZPyEKbAEjUIRs9lZJhaBPGPohP7Vqjbj3dtD4QOJdQ,,&typo=1">cyber security backpack</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Meditation, prayer and reflection spaces </strong></span><span>🧘\u{200D}♀️</span></h3><p><span>Did you know that VIU’s Nanaimo campus has meditation, prayer and reflection spaces available to all VIU students and employees? Come to Building 200, Rooms 107a and 107b. If you have any questions about this, please email <a href="" title=""></a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Malaspina Theatre podcast </strong></span><span>🎤</span></h3><p><span>Did you know the Malaspina Theatre has a podcast? Recent episodes include “…with PRIDE,” “Neurodiverse Theatre” and “Reconciliation Theatre.” Check it out on <a href=",1,_pziijysmDF7q0m8gHaEt5bXBkdxrjvLELoQ1PdVXvxkmy3zwe2NPrCd48LU7DxYrVVIxlEyM7oRwqEHYlcK7ihJtANS3GXqPn8pkHcy&typo=1" title=",1,_pziijysmDF7q0m8gHaEt5bXBkdxrjvLELoQ1PdVXvxkmy3zwe2NPrCd48LU7DxYrVVIxlEyM7oRwqEHYlcK7ihJtANS3GXqPn8pkHcy&typo=1">Apple podcasts</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Hand in Hand Intergenerational Storytelling Project </strong></span><span>🖐</span></h3><p><span>Volunteers needed! Connect with a senior through the power of storytelling. The Hand in Hand Intergenerational Storytelling Project is looking for volunteers for this project that connects volunteers with seniors. You can develop your journalism skills, gain wisdom and keep a senior connected all by helping them to tell their story. For more information email Gwen at <a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a>.</span></p><h2>Supports and services</h2><h3><span><strong>Get your VIU ID card at the Library to access buildings and more</strong> 💳</span></h3><p><span>Welcome to new and returning students! Be sure to check out VIU Library’s<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,qlXguD84MZRhYPjk-6BrUv5YorcyG_fdOQODpBbRlIoSwm_Sx7too-crCNJjvAVAGGGEgYNYdoX1r0x4MexwRnc5yFkr_EtyiGqH_yzn4PsldTLb5wYVoiBeaJ8,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,qlXguD84MZRhYPjk-6BrUv5YorcyG_fdOQODpBbRlIoSwm_Sx7too-crCNJjvAVAGGGEgYNYdoX1r0x4MexwRnc5yFkr_EtyiGqH_yzn4PsldTLb5wYVoiBeaJ8,&typo=1">Getting Started guide</a> for important information on how to set up your <a href=",1,aNN7Ng1-7uNaUJ_Nh8Ih9pmUcFHqPvacisFUWE_DFc9jPvrZKsUOHUycu1i1kOnnWtDHfHMPNAj7pS3-sSn0Y3AFMPEwvhdb1ysO_eQcYyckbl0MYhsTsA,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,aNN7Ng1-7uNaUJ_Nh8Ih9pmUcFHqPvacisFUWE_DFc9jPvrZKsUOHUycu1i1kOnnWtDHfHMPNAj7pS3-sSn0Y3AFMPEwvhdb1ysO_eQcYyckbl0MYhsTsA,,&typo=1">VIU ID card</a> online and other library services and updates. Your VIU ID card provides you with 24-7 access to the Nanaimo campus library. Your card also provides you with access to services such as loans and printing, various campus spaces and other perks.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Important Financial Aid message </strong></span><span>💰</span></h3><p><span>Preparing for the 2022-23 academic year at VIU? If you’re worried about how to make ends meet with your finances, let us help you. Student Aid BC provides financial assistance in the form of Canada Student Loans or a combination of Canada Student Loans, BC Student Loans and non-repayable grants for eligible students. When you apply and qualify for student financial assistance, you are automatically assessed for Canada Student Grants and Loans – plus any grants for which you qualify to receive are doubled up until July 2023. Need help with applying for your Student Aid BC loan? Register for one of our in-person or virtual workshops <a href=",1,z_tQ2hvqSgjnSASqsQ7WxxExOA0UjTJeZW2rVuOTgyudj1nPBiUIWsu3Oq87ORzrdsp1wDW_oTbhLZKFcDC4r-b7z-M1Gbqvdu8eZaZ_mfB03PIrJ-5RKvU8aQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,z_tQ2hvqSgjnSASqsQ7WxxExOA0UjTJeZW2rVuOTgyudj1nPBiUIWsu3Oq87ORzrdsp1wDW_oTbhLZKFcDC4r-b7z-M1Gbqvdu8eZaZ_mfB03PIrJ-5RKvU8aQ,,&typo=1">here</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Off-campus housing</strong> </span><span>🏠</span></h3><p><span>Looking for off-campus rental housing or roommates? Need temporary accommodation? Questions or issues with contracts or fees? VIU Off-Campus Housing offers advice, education and advocacy. Visit<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,gC0uY5GBG8XAGuv9CoMJrD2bThYfum32ezUmjRaNi-fEYGxlyff3qgXSt7fkNkJVz79BHvENJkwsKpQ-dstszBx2bphdFoeCwbjvvKc_9b2UPDqQ9w,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,gC0uY5GBG8XAGuv9CoMJrD2bThYfum32ezUmjRaNi-fEYGxlyff3qgXSt7fkNkJVz79BHvENJkwsKpQ-dstszBx2bphdFoeCwbjvvKc_9b2UPDqQ9w,,&typo=1">Off-Campus Housing</a>, email<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>or<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,OXsYruY2iDtqjuG89Jd9pUYhhhbvYTMPidqy-enjuBe8R6L_h4VcROAWQNoj50rqJGWX0TRGV_ZEdRCQFNqo8pIuaXI4eFBNNPJ3zcVAanqK78vkblk5SVZR0iVc&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,OXsYruY2iDtqjuG89Jd9pUYhhhbvYTMPidqy-enjuBe8R6L_h4VcROAWQNoj50rqJGWX0TRGV_ZEdRCQFNqo8pIuaXI4eFBNNPJ3zcVAanqK78vkblk5SVZR0iVc&typo=1">make an appointment</a>. <br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Health & Dental update </strong></span><span>🦷</span></h3><p><span>This year the Students’ Union decreased the Health & Dental Benefits fee from $275 to $265 for students enrolled after September 1. Visit the VIUSU website for<a href=",1,BF-JD40DIgyLLcZos1R65bZfwFnno5t4CX2FABOCANUQF_ZqLAJyaGE0X1m38tRLX5wzUNeJt1Rcc-ByQ9hbLX8k5NTf4PfRh1aUkZMWcbjcvZMZaEE,&typo=1" title=",1,BF-JD40DIgyLLcZos1R65bZfwFnno5t4CX2FABOCANUQF_ZqLAJyaGE0X1m38tRLX5wzUNeJt1Rcc-ByQ9hbLX8k5NTf4PfRh1aUkZMWcbjcvZMZaEE,&typo=1">opt-out information.</a><br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Career Studio: coming in Fall 2022</strong></span></h3><p><span>The Centre for Experiential Learning is delighted to announce that the Career Studio will be opening its doors for all VIU students in Fall 2022. Need any career-related help? Come visit us in Building 255, Room 204 for help with resumes and cover letters, job interview tips or interview guidance. You can also look for us at RockVIU and other school start-up events! <br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Accommodated exams at VIU</strong></span></h3><p><span>Are you registered with VIU’s Accessibility Services and want to know more about exam accommodations? Check out Assessment and Exam Services’ <a href=",1,xjMJElXQg6fboMppQ63D6cjHpTqnM8MJ6hvGNKxkMJ2utwRjQNwL_xtUS5x3-0Bq3tYuDtnT8j5hprTZoDN-mtZJ8QIMVWQu8rVqDNaa&typo=1" title=",1,xjMJElXQg6fboMppQ63D6cjHpTqnM8MJ6hvGNKxkMJ2utwRjQNwL_xtUS5x3-0Bq3tYuDtnT8j5hprTZoDN-mtZJ8QIMVWQu8rVqDNaa&typo=1">guides to accommodated exams.</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Contact us at <a href="" title=""></a> if you need support with requesting accommodated exams, finding us, or using your assistive software.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Parking passes </strong></span><span>🚗</span></h3><p><span>Questions about parking? Monthly parking passes<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,Y-0s1iLZFyG28P6GEhTbTv8Tig2DCMrb3GvzlDcz7lR51zYYzvXDlMCKfqbBR8Nw-OwEKiHdMsWJL2Bdl7ZVqwJb0Jv_LW58bX2WrPu5U9AB3jnrxw,,&typo=1" title=",1,Y-0s1iLZFyG28P6GEhTbTv8Tig2DCMrb3GvzlDcz7lR51zYYzvXDlMCKfqbBR8Nw-OwEKiHdMsWJL2Bdl7ZVqwJb0Jv_LW58bX2WrPu5U9AB3jnrxw,,&typo=1">can be purchased online</a>.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,jCzvFKJ9pZeCkzIZ1dd2GQ2FBnP_TAXjBgISiqtwvLcZZ8HxQ3R1XJ7hZ0wJvYt_6KvghAhakYeqAXos-oQo5sbZeirasd4wjOTvHYGRVrtuWrYqAQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,jCzvFKJ9pZeCkzIZ1dd2GQ2FBnP_TAXjBgISiqtwvLcZZ8HxQ3R1XJ7hZ0wJvYt_6KvghAhakYeqAXos-oQo5sbZeirasd4wjOTvHYGRVrtuWrYqAQ,,&typo=1">Visit the FAQs page</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for more details.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>VIU Student Health Clinic </strong></span><span>🏥</span></h3><p><span>The VIU Student Health Clinic is a primary health care clinic in Building 200 run by nurse practitioners, who provide comprehensive clinical care, including the diagnosis and management of disease/illness, prescribing medications, ordering/interpreting laboratory/diagnostic tests and initiating referrals to specialists. Appointments are required and patients must be registered. To qualify, you must be a current VIU student without a local primary care provider. Call 250-740-6620 for more information.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Conference funding </strong></span><span>💰</span></h3><p><span>Did you attend a conference over the summer? Intend to attend one this fall? Make sure you check out <a href=",1,K3m7AHw9CJsS0G7DD78Wt6M4F1a7lhZJO8ui_FekX0rg1a5p3FIQFZoGC1ater-zqngcQs96sfEZu3UdnkdGB9l99TTnaCaBBeV5vjb1sA,,&typo=1" title=",1,K3m7AHw9CJsS0G7DD78Wt6M4F1a7lhZJO8ui_FekX0rg1a5p3FIQFZoGC1ater-zqngcQs96sfEZu3UdnkdGB9l99TTnaCaBBeV5vjb1sA,,&typo=1">the conference funding</a> available to all VIU students. Go forth and conquer!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Internship Planning course </strong></span></h3><p><span>Are you interested in earning credits while gaining meaningful work experience? Then why not add Internship Planning (INTP 300) to your timetable. This course will prepare you for an internship which may kickstart your career.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Questions about buying textbooks and course supplies? </strong></span><span>📖</span></h3><p><span>Purchase textbooks in store at the Nanaimo and Cowichan Campus Stores or online. You can come into the store or<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,mAHYOWcL6oLBw2Ha0DoyaP-HLZxdzn4MWS7WwVMO6FUiFv_zGgyKdpL3tnivrXV4uhWX6Nz9mWsSOuj2YXo81WWINUq_rmPr2a3gDgmmVWi2oZ8,&typo=1" title=",1,mAHYOWcL6oLBw2Ha0DoyaP-HLZxdzn4MWS7WwVMO6FUiFv_zGgyKdpL3tnivrXV4uhWX6Nz9mWsSOuj2YXo81WWINUq_rmPr2a3gDgmmVWi2oZ8,&typo=1">go online</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to find out what textbooks are needed for your courses. You can also check out our instructional videos below:</span><span></span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,i374YloF85MlOnJ0dLhlKVSi_NdcSQMi48E3hK46RpNrDhg-b-5d4ZmucIXuuvxz4CMJ8iiCNC5Z4dhtLYtsfkBBvDfxWEJcB3QwSdaWAok,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,i374YloF85MlOnJ0dLhlKVSi_NdcSQMi48E3hK46RpNrDhg-b-5d4ZmucIXuuvxz4CMJ8iiCNC5Z4dhtLYtsfkBBvDfxWEJcB3QwSdaWAok,&typo=1">Ordering Physical Textbooks</a></span></li><li><span><a href=",1,ltpEIGDGizpcIJiN3-GsNpvDGnJxNTWE-R7degdUBaWSR1U6PMAAjrL1cfH6Z-whqzjji42wvIaBvrm1GrDlHI_p-2Z8RNVQnHFdp1wpEA,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,ltpEIGDGizpcIJiN3-GsNpvDGnJxNTWE-R7degdUBaWSR1U6PMAAjrL1cfH6Z-whqzjji42wvIaBvrm1GrDlHI_p-2Z8RNVQnHFdp1wpEA,,&typo=1">Purchasing Digital Materials</a></span></li><li><span><a href=",1,TuQNPyzJcAasKK1H1m1tdNYgy0mn-z_j4YWK1By5baj-MtWbTd9rby-OvlITrXTfkz0cdfCS9SQzjyeZNuos5P3AFQcBRefPw3NQnshVWX66FJ26MIc5JseDrQ,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,TuQNPyzJcAasKK1H1m1tdNYgy0mn-z_j4YWK1By5baj-MtWbTd9rby-OvlITrXTfkz0cdfCS9SQzjyeZNuos5P3AFQcBRefPw3NQnshVWX66FJ26MIc5JseDrQ,,&typo=1">Ordering Course Supplies</a></span><span> </span></li></ul><h3><span><strong>McGill Bound for 2023-24?</strong></span></h3><p><span>Calling all student leaders! Are you considering attending one of McGill’s numerous grad or professional programs? Check out this scholarship opportunity: <a href=",1,gPieekuvDmcFgU0jt7xpBYxxhYd45IOocvQ1ho7I04vimmMVlKfibhQSAZI_GYjk6kAFumAa42p6wt85_WRYXue71c0xb2_ga4zs-QhEV_y7hw,,&typo=1" title=",1,gPieekuvDmcFgU0jt7xpBYxxhYd45IOocvQ1ho7I04vimmMVlKfibhQSAZI_GYjk6kAFumAa42p6wt85_WRYXue71c0xb2_ga4zs-QhEV_y7hw,,&typo=1">The McCall MacBain Scholarship</a>. If you are interested, connect with VIU’s <a href="" title="">Office of Graduate Studies and Student Research</a>. Deadline to apply is September 21 for the 2023-24 school year.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Why are there dots on the windows of Building 355? </strong></span><span>🐦</span></h3><p><span>Up to 1 billion birds die in North America each year and almost 50% of these deaths are window strikes. Recently, VIU’s Facilities department installed a network of dots on the windows on the west side of Building 355 to help birds see the windows and avoid deadly collisions. The issue was brought forward by a student and the Biology department supported Facilities in finding a solution.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>New Building Number for G.R. Paine Horticultural Centre </strong></span></h3><p><span>The G.R. Paine Horticultural Training Centre, which was Building 400, is now Building 500. This is part of the new campus wayfinding signage system that VIU is implementing. To improve campus wayfinding, several VIU buildings will be renumbered in summer 2023 to create a “400 level” on the Nanaimo campus. In case you still see the old building number “400” on your timetables, course materials, etc., which were likely created before the change, please note that it refers to the G.R. Paine Centre.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Student service closure </strong></span><span>🚫</span></h3><p><span>Student Affairs at the Nanaimo campus will be closed from 2 to 4 pm on Friday, August 26 for staff professional development. Services will be unavailable during this time. Impacted services include:</span><span></span></p><ul><li><span>Accessibility Services</span></li><li><span>Assessment & Exam Services</span></li><li><span>Financial Aid & Awards</span></li><li><span>Conduct & Care</span></li><li><span>Counselling</span></li><li><span>Health & Wellness Centre</span></li><li><span>Centre for Experiential Learning</span></li><li><span>Office of Co-Curricular Engagement & Learning</span></li><li><span>Athletics & Recreation (excluding campVIU programs)</span></li></ul><p><span>Regular services on the Nanaimo campus will resume on Monday, August 29. To speak to someone outside our regular business hours, please visit <a href=",1,jcsyheqB-SBuk9t7Neop0aJ8jq6h1KcN0qHPa9pvF-M9Lwv4aWlIgt5WEhpLQQneHZqic6OCuycK2yn-4X4_X5tRE_jSprEwyi9cZuZq&typo=1" title=",1,jcsyheqB-SBuk9t7Neop0aJ8jq6h1KcN0qHPa9pvF-M9Lwv4aWlIgt5WEhpLQQneHZqic6OCuycK2yn-4X4_X5tRE_jSprEwyi9cZuZq&typo=1">Emergency and After Hours Support</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Mindfulness practice </strong></span><span>🧠</span></h3><p><span>Join VIU Counsellors for 8 weeks of Mindfulness practice and learning. This workshop will provide you with foundational training in the practice of mindfulness and<br>its application in reducing stress and improving well-being. This group is free! Email<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="" title=""></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to determine if this group is right for you.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Welcome incoming new students! </strong></span><span>👋</span></h3><p><span>Need help with course planning, web registration or have other questions that need answers? Advisors support students, answer all your questions and help you navigate university. We are available by phone, Zoom Drop-In, email or in-person at B200. <a href=",1,IPnJisAXTqqB4jTB2aK1wGt1CHyV-bCldiAp56iApRIIPnVTADngKtsVXjDet2pfIzRfoaVCjD_8huCoowYO1EelZkMYNA5ZDRkb8UJrNkH8&typo=1" title=",1,IPnJisAXTqqB4jTB2aK1wGt1CHyV-bCldiAp56iApRIIPnVTADngKtsVXjDet2pfIzRfoaVCjD_8huCoowYO1EelZkMYNA5ZDRkb8UJrNkH8&typo=1">Connect early and connect often with Advising.</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>And don’t forget to familiarize yourself with <a href=",1,hxZ7bkmFsqYFjp0xHZ6bmMjyraEyA5TnEDOVvFPn33XLOFgkSQ0wz5eJBZOYkFZOmaWpe6Fie2sTX_PRB6fI24Z1YE95YlFvjnDBMT6-XAt8TI_1_5EniH5p_CxK&typo=1" title=",1,hxZ7bkmFsqYFjp0xHZ6bmMjyraEyA5TnEDOVvFPn33XLOFgkSQ0wz5eJBZOYkFZOmaWpe6Fie2sTX_PRB6fI24Z1YE95YlFvjnDBMT6-XAt8TI_1_5EniH5p_CxK&typo=1">VIU’s General Regulations</a> to learn university vocabulary, policies, and more to make your transition to university easier.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Have your say on the Student Affairs foundation plan</strong></span></h3><p><span>Student Affairs is seeking feedback its draft 2022-27 foundation plan, which aligns with VIU's<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,UR3Ex8_JniGb17nrJxY0jJDGKgUbn3a1a4xVfdzGI-8_o1TqMye4kVqQAa51ooI8sGSx-nExBHOw5PM0LR1sbn4H3i5pNg02LDuOKz7OtNp8vKxNaQ,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,UR3Ex8_JniGb17nrJxY0jJDGKgUbn3a1a4xVfdzGI-8_o1TqMye4kVqQAa51ooI8sGSx-nExBHOw5PM0LR1sbn4H3i5pNg02LDuOKz7OtNp8vKxNaQ,,&typo=1">Strategic Plan,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>People, Place, Potential</em></a>. Provide your thoughts to be entered into a draw for a $500 tuition credit.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,mFFi1L2sevpPwfntqEyfvWemT2PuAJIo8VjvAYHSIbcmuCj_0PHDOr5aLJXdJPPWN9Y9gURqA2Hw8Ec5TKowEdOwy3vutPhjvvwr6yq3U7A1c-iS&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,mFFi1L2sevpPwfntqEyfvWemT2PuAJIo8VjvAYHSIbcmuCj_0PHDOr5aLJXdJPPWN9Y9gURqA2Hw8Ec5TKowEdOwy3vutPhjvvwr6yq3U7A1c-iS&typo=1">Learn more about how to participate</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Reminder: New location for some Student Affairs services </strong></span><span>📌</span></h3><p><span>Student Affairs would like to remind you of the new location for some student services. The following services are now located in <strong>Building 255</strong>: </span><span></span></p><ul><li><span>2<sup>nd</sup> Floor – Check-in at Main Reception: Accessibility Services, Financial Aid & Awards, Conduct & Care, Administration.</span></li><li><span>2<sup>nd</sup> Floor – Check-in at Career Studio: Career Services, Centre for Experiential Learning, Work-integrated Learning</span></li><li><span>1<sup>st</sup> Floor – Check-in at Room 115: Assessment & Exam Services </span></li></ul><h2>Deals</h2><p><span>Did you know that as a VIU student you have access to exclusive discounts in your community and across the province? Download the </span><a href=",1,yi9nLo0vjXebLLv2aN5dO3W1o-yVEYCDJgrF4eLhAWzJIF4Jf3npHgFGs8oyVKV4H8Ljq4izy6o-IaUFodwDDIPxpUkAWHhupHugvASyVcJtAlhGX3g,&typo=1" title=",1,yi9nLo0vjXebLLv2aN5dO3W1o-yVEYCDJgrF4eLhAWzJIF4Jf3npHgFGs8oyVKV4H8Ljq4izy6o-IaUFodwDDIPxpUkAWHhupHugvASyVcJtAlhGX3g,&typo=1">Deals App</a><span>, administered by the VIUSU and the BC Federation of Students, to learn more. Today’s featured businesses:</span></p><ul><li><span><strong>North Town Java</strong>: 10% off purchases.</span></li><li><span><strong>Brechin Lanes</strong>: 20% off bowling and shoe rentals.</span></li></ul><h2>COVID-19 updates</h2><h3><strong>VIU health and safety protocols</strong></h3><p><span>Do you have questions about COVID-19 as we head into the 2022-23 school year? VIU’s </span><a href=",1,nGjvAD4smwj5pd5WPdB8GIOr_m4WzXLNaajqJn4ICeLT--SlB_K3NOZqr0BA4uftxdwqfjT5sx80a5WA_lPXWf9BOJ5mMQHepMBctl6DNd6DRNqY&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,nGjvAD4smwj5pd5WPdB8GIOr_m4WzXLNaajqJn4ICeLT--SlB_K3NOZqr0BA4uftxdwqfjT5sx80a5WA_lPXWf9BOJ5mMQHepMBctl6DNd6DRNqY&typo=1">Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</a><span> and the </span><a href=",1,drUHa01RfhJnrWgrZdkv8sDKGmnJn65dekW7fVK_W38F0r2KBhUXZuv2U6zdkuVWnPJrCbMIPkY_k7poPrjYh18hgwSWbTnlVbOaQ2w3VgAv7fAISAN7&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,drUHa01RfhJnrWgrZdkv8sDKGmnJn65dekW7fVK_W38F0r2KBhUXZuv2U6zdkuVWnPJrCbMIPkY_k7poPrjYh18hgwSWbTnlVbOaQ2w3VgAv7fAISAN7&typo=1">Post-Secondary Public Health Guidance</a><span> can help! These documents outline the prevention measures that are in place at VIU and in BC to reduce the risk of exposure to communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Learn more on VIU’s<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><a href=",1,7YKBr93DiWmpW3JABaH592QByDx92Toc1J_zo_nocfJ9ts0CNp5py5zyFJRZjbxFjTQFrn3O5zm8ELCNnwlzU6r4M4Nt4LXlksupMLEqQk1JAjMDHU9-yQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,7YKBr93DiWmpW3JABaH592QByDx92Toc1J_zo_nocfJ9ts0CNp5py5zyFJRZjbxFjTQFrn3O5zm8ELCNnwlzU6r4M4Nt4LXlksupMLEqQk1JAjMDHU9-yQ,,&typo=1">COVID-19 updates website</a><span>.</span></p><h2>Campus events</h2><p><span>Stay on top of what's happening at VIU. Find ways to get involved: </span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,AaHlvWlYX_ckJSHsbbDrdj_lN7E2JW2XRTKGbroe35BwcgFCZ6dUamxiTnZZV0leR2RoVBGc2iVGM_8E1ivYSxrGC9I9CiPVPTVXqEoMF-OiUnpLV3bTc3g,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,AaHlvWlYX_ckJSHsbbDrdj_lN7E2JW2XRTKGbroe35BwcgFCZ6dUamxiTnZZV0leR2RoVBGc2iVGM_8E1ivYSxrGC9I9CiPVPTVXqEoMF-OiUnpLV3bTc3g,&typo=1">Campus Events</a> website</span></li><li><span><a href=",1,9AKRzVT5I8IPYdm-570TQw9iSjBBDdenHu7lmG3Y4U6S_FPZXBQvrYpD58kCIQSIXjm9pJQi8RsDEUD8KIfTixX8cA7ATman2jECatM-JSwgtg,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,9AKRzVT5I8IPYdm-570TQw9iSjBBDdenHu7lmG3Y4U6S_FPZXBQvrYpD58kCIQSIXjm9pJQi8RsDEUD8KIfTixX8cA7ATman2jECatM-JSwgtg,,&typo=1">Co-curricular involvement app</a></span></li><li><span><a href=",1,c-O6YXhQzFlcjnxyLUDznmt2_ImbrxtWNavjWDuJmJFLo8F4TCwfr6FQcZBCZVMnRYY0hY_cVU90e4biakqwWMP1Qic37U_9B5Ny0vmw6JdwiT7EtH7jucHq&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,c-O6YXhQzFlcjnxyLUDznmt2_ImbrxtWNavjWDuJmJFLo8F4TCwfr6FQcZBCZVMnRYY0hY_cVU90e4biakqwWMP1Qic37U_9B5Ny0vmw6JdwiT7EtH7jucHq&typo=1">VIU Students' Union app</a></span></li></ul></body>\n </html> """ "summary" => null "format" => "basic_html" ] ] "field_blog_author" => [] "field_blog_author_link" => [] "field_blog_sub_heading" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "Your ultimate back-to-school guide\u{A0}🎒" ] ] "field_display_image_below_header" => [] "field_hero_format" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "short_image" ] ] "field_hero_image_media" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "416" "entity" => array:23 [ "mid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "416" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "cdcb0d17-2ebb-4cb1-9edb-3c2a9a2eaf7a" ] ] "vid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "432" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "bundle" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:14 [ "uuid" => "63d3472d-3317-492d-98b3-b0caf304e34e" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => array:1 [ "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "crop" ] ] "third_party_settings" => array:1 [ "crop" => array:1 [ "image_field" => "_none" ] ] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "FnuLezDbmiD87VTFx3nJPWqbCHqRHJXQs7WfUtIbsIw" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "Use local images for reusable media." 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