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Keep reading this edition of the\u{A0}Student Pulse\u{A0}for all of the above – and much more!\u{A0}" ] ] 2 => array:2 [ "tag" => "link" "attributes" => array:2 [ "rel" => "canonical" "href" => "" ] ] ] "url_slug" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "research-help-special-deals-and-money-management" ] ] "path" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "alias" => "/blog/research-help-special-deals-and-money-management" "pid" => "285" "langcode" => "en" ] ] "menu_link" => [] "body" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "value" => """ \n <html><body><p>It’s that time of the semester when you might be looking for research help, a few ways to have some fun and relax before exams, or tips to help get back on track with assignments. Keep reading this edition of the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>Student Pulse</em><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for all of the above – and much more! </p><p><span>Pictured: Student research gets a lot of exposure in this year's </span><a href=",1,ik2K-tNxxQo2hAfG8XAR4ORT0Tesng5onBt1TPYLRg-qnSg2sE1lSZyrjVZppPuXOjiEmo1uK1s_FYwvXmbSDF-Upv51boJmjapYLzwmTPx9vYVRoTN3AQ,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,ik2K-tNxxQo2hAfG8XAR4ORT0Tesng5onBt1TPYLRg-qnSg2sE1lSZyrjVZppPuXOjiEmo1uK1s_FYwvXmbSDF-Upv51boJmjapYLzwmTPx9vYVRoTN3AQ,,&typo=1">Research Highlights Report</a>.<span> </span></p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><span><strong>Indigenous Speakers Series </strong></span>🗣</h3><p><span>Join us at the eighth annual Indigenous Speakers Series. Wilson Williams (Sxwíxwtn), a Squamish Nation Councillor and Spokesperson, will address the development of the Sen̓áḵw lands at the foot of the Burrard Street Bridge and how the project will contribute to the future prosperity and well-being of the Nation in his talk: <strong>Our land, our spirit, our story: The Squamish Nation’s return to</strong> <strong>Sen̓áḵw</strong>. This free event will be moderated by Nahlah Ayed, host of CBC Radio’s <em>Ideas</em>. <a href=",1,g_QCIRhsM9b2wucYR3pqUiRCbhD-QINJfC0W_uMrAOLM5FJrS9D7ogpj4KMuDlnSODTwBdFLq9uPoiXrMytgzxu84ut-BFktPkXafFJ0Ig,,&typo=1" title=",1,g_QCIRhsM9b2wucYR3pqUiRCbhD-QINJfC0W_uMrAOLM5FJrS9D7ogpj4KMuDlnSODTwBdFLq9uPoiXrMytgzxu84ut-BFktPkXafFJ0Ig,,&typo=1">Register via Eventbrite</a>.<br> <br><strong>When:</strong> Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 6:30 to 8 pm<br><strong>Where:</strong> Malaspina Theatre (VIU’s Nanaimo campus – Bldg 310) or online via Zoom webinar (register to receive the link).<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>VIUSU’s stressbuster series is back </strong></span>🧘\u{200D}♀️</h3><p><span>Stressbuster events are organized with the purpose of helping students find ways to have fun, be creative and unwind before final exam time!<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,a1ffhX43mVS3TQvzM998Y04RpkJE-SOKwoQAPeJmrDOjM3XjCXHeciEe0q-evCwrNJT2e-IpSfH5nv4hsBAL8dg57hEaWQr2JgQCBtuRPDDqE_Bq26jb2DmMkps,&typo=1" title=",1,a1ffhX43mVS3TQvzM998Y04RpkJE-SOKwoQAPeJmrDOjM3XjCXHeciEe0q-evCwrNJT2e-IpSfH5nv4hsBAL8dg57hEaWQr2JgQCBtuRPDDqE_Bq26jb2DmMkps,&typo=1">Sign up for stressbuster</a>.</span></p><p><span>Coming up:</span></p><ul><li><span><strong>December 1:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></strong>self-defence from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in the VIU Gym. Learn how to deter an attacker, defend a choke and defend yourself from under someone on the ground. This is event is also part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.</span></li><li><span><strong>December 5:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></strong>Bend and Brew Stressbuster Yoga. After this one-hour yoga class, you’ll get a gift card for either Starbucks or the Campus Pub.</span> </li></ul><h3><span><strong>VIU Mariners Basketball </strong></span>🏀</h3><p><span>Catch the final regular season basketball home games of the semester this weekend! The Mariners host the Capilano University Blues on Friday, November 25 (women 5 pm, men 8 pm) and the Langara College Falcons on Saturday, November 26 (women 3 pm, men 5 pm) at the VIU Gym (Building 190). Free admission for VIU students. Bring your friends and let off some steam before exams with two of the highest-ranked basketball teams in Canada!</span></p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><span><strong>16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign </strong></span>🌹</h3><p><span>The Vancouver Island University Faculty Association’s Status of Women committee is supporting the campaign by hosting a vigil on December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, in the Malaspina Theatre lobby (Building 310) from noon to 1 pm. After speeches there will be a candlelight walk to the Jardin des Quatorze, near Building 460. Dec. 6 is a day to honour and remember the 14 young women who were murdered in the 1989 massacre at École Polytechnique. <br>Other activities include:</span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,IcrolgS4tT7Hml6oYih3NDpt-36ffhlMW4otsvBpfa3EFezaudAj99cNA_rNX5HBE3TsQGq8NqYK2gyFnXsX6BnRDFgHKHfRymfiTJFDGxu5sqej7XdzU131I0A0&typo=1" title=",1,IcrolgS4tT7Hml6oYih3NDpt-36ffhlMW4otsvBpfa3EFezaudAj99cNA_rNX5HBE3TsQGq8NqYK2gyFnXsX6BnRDFgHKHfRymfiTJFDGxu5sqej7XdzU131I0A0&typo=1">Movies for Mental Health</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>(info below).</span></li><li><span>Panel discussion, Women in Non-Traditional Occupations, at VIU’s Malaspina Theatre Dec. 6, from 6:30 to 8 pm. The discussion will examine the challenges and misperceptions women have had to overcome in jobs from science and engineering to technology and trades.</span></li></ul><h3><span><strong>Movies for Mental Health </strong></span>📽</h3><p><span>This November, take a stand against domestic violence and gender-based violence. Attend the <a href=",1,hVfLZY4lBZ_YhdwriPn4OQ2o8xrITXvZoK2i3w7-So0Opp1muVbR9WbVkaKDcxon5H57QQ0AOAmPzQord2ZAARnvoQWlP6D87HuppSUaF90,&typo=1" title=",1,hVfLZY4lBZ_YhdwriPn4OQ2o8xrITXvZoK2i3w7-So0Opp1muVbR9WbVkaKDcxon5H57QQ0AOAmPzQord2ZAARnvoQWlP6D87HuppSUaF90,&typo=1">Movies for Mental Health</a> workshop and join the conversation around the mental health impacts that sexual violence can have on individuals and communities. Movies for Mental Health takes place <strong>Friday,</strong> <strong>December 2 from 10 am to noon in B320/R105. </strong>You can win door prizes and enjoy some popcorn and refreshments.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,hR1kVIryMFVqaYw8ws2ETKrSSV-hkJ9AP6nPDWfj4D4948Dc9mIA4_YZ4ewZ54YVqeMh38b4YX3MvcWvAlu5VRjwAc2u9fjTth-IMUhO2Dc3NQ,,&typo=1" title=",1,hR1kVIryMFVqaYw8ws2ETKrSSV-hkJ9AP6nPDWfj4D4948Dc9mIA4_YZ4ewZ54YVqeMh38b4YX3MvcWvAlu5VRjwAc2u9fjTth-IMUhO2Dc3NQ,,&typo=1">Register here</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Sales in the Campus Store </strong></span>👕👖</h3><p><span>Hey VIU, it’s #BlackFriday sale time! Get 50% off selected VIU hoodies and pants! Go get ‘em before they’re gone.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Christmas decorating party </strong></span>🎄</h3><p><span>Help International Education decorate the reception area of Building 255 on Friday, December 2 from noon to 3 pm. Come for an afternoon of cookies, pastries, gingerbread, music, carols, crafts and eggnog.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Read<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>The Nav </em></strong></span>📰</h3><p><span>Are you looking for a unique student view on VIU and community news? Visit <a href=",1,Yby7kg-9v3kJEAA91maxga2XK2fhVlsInwg3cTbR8aH27KCuBjiPTrS3SvE9snJioGlf0ogkluZ6VOOv6ok6ckbmIVWkDu45JbWBPLs5U_zh7QiqxPY,&typo=1" title=",1,Yby7kg-9v3kJEAA91maxga2XK2fhVlsInwg3cTbR8aH27KCuBjiPTrS3SvE9snJioGlf0ogkluZ6VOOv6ok6ckbmIVWkDu45JbWBPLs5U_zh7QiqxPY,&typo=1">The Navigator Student Press</a>, VIU’s fully student-run online news magazine. Read, watch and listen to the stories that matter to you as students. <br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Nursing students selling samosas</strong></span></h3><p><span>Support the 2023 VIU BSN Graduating Class in their Winter Samosa Fundraiser. Pre-frozen veggie samosas are packed in freezer bags by the dozen, $25 for a dozen. Orders will be ready for pick-up/delivery at the end of November. Email <a href="" target="_blank" title=""></a> by November 30 and specify your name, contact information for pick-up/delivery and how many dozens you are ordering in the comments.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Climate change film and discussion </strong></span>🌏</h3><p><span>It's been 30 years since the Earth Summit. On November 29, check out a screening of This Changes Eveerything, Avi Lewis and Naomi Klein's 2015 documentary, followed by a discussion about the outcomes of the recent COP in Egypt. The event is hosted by VIU's Political Studies and Geography departments.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,g1wLVSnITygFibidEnSojWmUliA8cEXoaWTXiBNe0fzWjhCJwfGKqg0OKCoZF3R1sTxQwBUtR9kw9GusZ6YuU8tdgh98KZ8_HHd7NMJdQNhjIuJRnRvyaQ,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,g1wLVSnITygFibidEnSojWmUliA8cEXoaWTXiBNe0fzWjhCJwfGKqg0OKCoZF3R1sTxQwBUtR9kw9GusZ6YuU8tdgh98KZ8_HHd7NMJdQNhjIuJRnRvyaQ,,&typo=1">Learn more</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Coats for Christmas 2022 </strong></span>🧥</h3><p><span>Youth 20/20 Can in Nanaimo is hosting a Coats for Christmas event. We are collecting new and gently used coats, hats, gloves and socks for women, men, teenagers and children. Items collected will be distributed to community members who are homeless and to children in need in the community. We will be at the Lions Pavilion at Maffeo Sutton Park from 3 to 7 pm on Friday, December 16, and from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturday, December 17. We appreciate the support of our community making this initiative a huge success. <br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Travel from Cowichan to Nanaimo and back – on the bus! </strong></span>🚌</h3><p><span>Get between Cowichan and Nanaimo on the bus for only $7.50 per trip. Flying home or going back to school? The 70 Nanaimo-Cowichan Express can get you to and from the Nanaimo Airport in no time. You can buy NCX tickets or passes from a vendor or pay cash when you hop on a bus. Visit<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,7F9vbMiy_d72_weBF9I9DsVP-gsvWd187DKunL8CQTM56IlcSccfcRhLXymn1Tntr4TaChVipPmIQ036M7qyQBkJYWReN-xPPjUblMeaSEZxaf11877TEVpXI0k,&typo=1" title=",1,7F9vbMiy_d72_weBF9I9DsVP-gsvWd187DKunL8CQTM56IlcSccfcRhLXymn1Tntr4TaChVipPmIQ036M7qyQBkJYWReN-xPPjUblMeaSEZxaf11877TEVpXI0k,&typo=1">BC Transit’s Route 70 NCX</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>page for fares and vending locations.</span></p><h2>Supports and services</h2><h3><span><strong>Need help with your housing situation? </strong></span>🏠</h3><p><span>Did you know that VIU has an Off-Campus Housing office? Michael Witcomb shares five ways the office can help you when it comes to tricky housing situations, from finding a place to live, to disputes with roommates, to problems with the housing.</span></p><h3><span><strong>How to showcase skills and experience effectively on a resumé </strong></span>📄</h3><p><span>Does the thought of putting together a resume overwhelm you? It did for Joe, so he got help from the Career Studio. He<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,_PxZwMpcnE5WpgGbonBR1kXDYq-sR5reFkZ_ZGTWP-SeEgJr5YbkX5AaEFCXsISeaLpCJvaL13LlP-UvKGGolnsuqWQehxsNagApqMUZly0KtqOoPglJhqHQ&typo=1" title=",1,_PxZwMpcnE5WpgGbonBR1kXDYq-sR5reFkZ_ZGTWP-SeEgJr5YbkX5AaEFCXsISeaLpCJvaL13LlP-UvKGGolnsuqWQehxsNagApqMUZly0KtqOoPglJhqHQ&typo=1">shares his story about how the service helped him</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>communicate his skills and experience and successfully find work on the VIU Blog. </span><span><br></span></p><h3><span><strong>VIU Student Health Clinic accepting patients </strong></span>🩺</h3><p><span>Attention VIU students who don’t have a local primary care provider: the Student Health Clinic is accepting new patients. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. To make an appointment, call 250.740.6620 or stop by the clinic, in Building 200, third floor.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Have you claimed your free education savings grants? </strong></span>💰</h3><p><span>#DYK there are education savings grants that often go unclaimed by eligible students? Over the next two years, VIU’s Canada Learning Bond team will help a thousand VIU students apply for these grants, thanks to funding from the federal government.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,vY7BtZtlGTRpoxqD2U7JB9F4hyP4m3BWyy5mDBB2C7Re9xV2nqTTXejOQ_Yt58SPBQ2ZPzP5OyJabXRVSNYycnlQ6t8FYD4kgEZ1UFJx2Z3zyfhsasLG&typo=1" title=",1,vY7BtZtlGTRpoxqD2U7JB9F4hyP4m3BWyy5mDBB2C7Re9xV2nqTTXejOQ_Yt58SPBQ2ZPzP5OyJabXRVSNYycnlQ6t8FYD4kgEZ1UFJx2Z3zyfhsasLG&typo=1">Learn more</a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Research help in the library </strong></span>📚</h3><p><span>You’re nearly there! Need research help to get those last assignments wrapped up? <a href=",1,inqHVK8YeYDLHATil55xiWnQpqfGklTfgrAnEprCZOwWeD3cDQeTJMz9S7DtpY9G7YbQtDWQKpoBargWB08_0fDZTwrHI_dkU3JBxoICJ3rXU5QOng8,&typo=1" title=",1,inqHVK8YeYDLHATil55xiWnQpqfGklTfgrAnEprCZOwWeD3cDQeTJMz9S7DtpY9G7YbQtDWQKpoBargWB08_0fDZTwrHI_dkU3JBxoICJ3rXU5QOng8,&typo=1">Get Research help</a>. You can connect with us in-person, by phone, chat or on Zoom. And don’t forget that the Nanaimo campus library is open 24-7 to meet all your study needs. Just scan in with your VIU card on evenings and weekends.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Online shopping cyber security </strong></span>💻</h3><p><span>The stores are ready for the holidays, are you? Don’t let the bad guys cash in on poor <a href=",1,VVXFnFb6Csd7R-VLjgs3MnoDDExpGNUna1nKFV-l76iN9jgogKdJEneQKojqLtmb9opHtXuJC1NVeaKU2Hm8mc_SbC577r-cJfL9uRsAuH1bNieypik,&typo=1" title=",1,VVXFnFb6Csd7R-VLjgs3MnoDDExpGNUna1nKFV-l76iN9jgogKdJEneQKojqLtmb9opHtXuJC1NVeaKU2Hm8mc_SbC577r-cJfL9uRsAuH1bNieypik,&typo=1">online shopping security habits</a>. Here are some tips to follow:</span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,fNYc1JR6w2QxPlUbIxVzFfN_WGEnJ0tyiXCXbIzeCEeujMZHu0eyh9_MweJN5M7NqXoy-Cy82RmD2YFr1YYbsjbXCdb1B4ny1hSEaW-w_uJv&typo=1" title=",1,fNYc1JR6w2QxPlUbIxVzFfN_WGEnJ0tyiXCXbIzeCEeujMZHu0eyh9_MweJN5M7NqXoy-Cy82RmD2YFr1YYbsjbXCdb1B4ny1hSEaW-w_uJv&typo=1">Become a confident online shopper</a> and avoid using <a href=",1,F9I0m6TuSxp8jShyRuf8Xb27aJ9mDM2lHPBZ8_P02PEyIrgsl2Rx8WxIijvGB5xrRllToCrzNx0Q5fKa8hlqppHnmCf4q65BYaGH-hlb&typo=1" title=",1,F9I0m6TuSxp8jShyRuf8Xb27aJ9mDM2lHPBZ8_P02PEyIrgsl2Rx8WxIijvGB5xrRllToCrzNx0Q5fKa8hlqppHnmCf4q65BYaGH-hlb&typo=1">public wi-fi</a> while shopping.</span></li><li><span><a href=",1,XGlCR6_XzOIxgEEP8OQrKyHPHO9PkbNEdtKiq20R-NAL5WYbuhaODQbMTU7mKGDoaCgpxCI35CvsCBdIAgA77IsDz-5i_meyA0FQ6-SIDUhheeMSNZ6NehM,&typo=1" title=",1,XGlCR6_XzOIxgEEP8OQrKyHPHO9PkbNEdtKiq20R-NAL5WYbuhaODQbMTU7mKGDoaCgpxCI35CvsCBdIAgA77IsDz-5i_meyA0FQ6-SIDUhheeMSNZ6NehM,&typo=1">Update your devices</a> and use a <a href=",1,MkK9_JQCmUXKfwz5W452oIlQ1duuAahh7-XfQsrTkA4LE_QIW3yu3J8drR2sj5QCgmymqdvtoT4HrUXDRG1qHDX9JEDLYY4mOZfoqpKOpPNMxW4xbw,,&typo=1" title=",1,MkK9_JQCmUXKfwz5W452oIlQ1duuAahh7-XfQsrTkA4LE_QIW3yu3J8drR2sj5QCgmymqdvtoT4HrUXDRG1qHDX9JEDLYY4mOZfoqpKOpPNMxW4xbw,,&typo=1">strong and unique password</a> for each site you use.</span></li></ul><p><span>Have you got what it takes to be a secure online shopper? Then try the <a href=",1,gsoXpeWV_QRZU82rw0FPvJJr7bJoALMviChTKflRPsE3Gs-FSCbDnaugxD1Z4FBaL2rIp8GyZNp9i9njEygCYnZYz9lUimsNWCEtE8ulm4E,&typo=1" title=",1,gsoXpeWV_QRZU82rw0FPvJJr7bJoALMviChTKflRPsE3Gs-FSCbDnaugxD1Z4FBaL2rIp8GyZNp9i9njEygCYnZYz9lUimsNWCEtE8ulm4E,&typo=1">Online Shopping Quiz</a>!<br>Looking for more cyber security tips, check out <a href=",1,UzLh8viZPsHV6kmhkXVKURD9Stzg4INv6Na_pPwW9K1TjO6AmKZGjE7_7RDp8-Dp-uAXgn0IhlmKZ5gq-IvoAt6ykXcCVee-5K6cqZrncBGpP3sWGA,,&typo=1" title=",1,UzLh8viZPsHV6kmhkXVKURD9Stzg4INv6Na_pPwW9K1TjO6AmKZGjE7_7RDp8-Dp-uAXgn0IhlmKZ5gq-IvoAt6ykXcCVee-5K6cqZrncBGpP3sWGA,,&typo=1">Secure I.T.</a><br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Are you struggling to access nutritious food? </strong></span>🍎</h3><p><span>VIU’s<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,tpdx878HWVdyX_4vTnyHFA7AjhFspovUThvHv79Gxq5NloOPkV4LHwQ8kK39-U4Qj-ET_d_Atu9wz5AZ9hzmrS01dkBq-zgPDtL1VWMYicy3B1EZbA,,&typo=1" title=",1,tpdx878HWVdyX_4vTnyHFA7AjhFspovUThvHv79Gxq5NloOPkV4LHwQ8kK39-U4Qj-ET_d_Atu9wz5AZ9hzmrS01dkBq-zgPDtL1VWMYicy3B1EZbA,,&typo=1">Give a Meal program</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>provides meals to students in need on a temporary basis through VIU's cafeterias, as well as resources and support for those struggling with food security.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Free Store for VIU Cowichan students </strong></span>🛍</h3><p><span>It’s like going shopping, but for free! Come “shop” for clothing for all ages, small household items and non-perishable food. It’s all happening in Room 140 on November 24 from 12 to 3 pm.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Connect with an educational advisor </strong></span>👥</h3><p><span>Who are education advisors and how do we support you? Find out by watching<a href=",1,5ZOKVUFSjnbqHLI3Uui7ytEWBG96K4YBEhcCBQmNNb7r2kY4VwStvTFwETQZOhm0D1VfSEW5cPyYdnw9SWBSIAqyCFrgoQZniOUtRgTpWj9XnZ8pzzHFo-E,&typo=1" title=",1,5ZOKVUFSjnbqHLI3Uui7ytEWBG96K4YBEhcCBQmNNb7r2kY4VwStvTFwETQZOhm0D1VfSEW5cPyYdnw9SWBSIAqyCFrgoQZniOUtRgTpWj9XnZ8pzzHFo-E,&typo=1">Why Connect with Advising.</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,RTuVBKdYH0KwZNMYO6Fu3cEE6JbA2Rj6joMWWXBOkXpR7SXgRIvhhECMX0WGWcp9KcXq2h3MlR1OADRX_zG0hV6ZI2ad7YFg3HFTG-j7Iw,,&typo=1" title=",1,RTuVBKdYH0KwZNMYO6Fu3cEE6JbA2Rj6joMWWXBOkXpR7SXgRIvhhECMX0WGWcp9KcXq2h3MlR1OADRX_zG0hV6ZI2ad7YFg3HFTG-j7Iw,,&typo=1">Connect early and connect often</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>by Zoom drop-in, in-person in Building 200, by phone or email.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s program</strong></span></h3><p><span>Are you registering in a full-time graduate program at the master's level in Canada in fall 2023? Check out the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,_o72_KWkspbJm6HMyKxczshP3kbtUnOoBQ1x7FGeKYjxEPd0OsTzBxbX3585qX61_7OiTEkPmoxaPM_PWrHmaG7WQshrBdUJyjsYCzaZK8RYfqlRBtyDeNTa&typo=1" title=",1,_o72_KWkspbJm6HMyKxczshP3kbtUnOoBQ1x7FGeKYjxEPd0OsTzBxbX3585qX61_7OiTEkPmoxaPM_PWrHmaG7WQshrBdUJyjsYCzaZK8RYfqlRBtyDeNTa&typo=1">CGS-M award</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>program that offers scholarships for graduate students undertaking research either in health, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences or humanities. Application deadline is December 1. Please connect with<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href="" title="">Vanessa Moraes</a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for more info and support with your application.</span></p><h2>Mark your calendars</h2><h3><span><strong>Unwrapped:<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><em>A package design exhibit where less is more </em></strong></span><span>🎁</span></h3><p><span>Don’t miss the exhibit<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,5zTwv118DEtSqTeTCjFFKEGVT9CtYDWftqa-buDPRsA4yg-wTljPyJLCB-l-B15pZGhkzASEsTYNE0WM4ZWz3g7bEXTtfJh-DtS6PEWgkIx5AOC7Ng,,&typo=1" title=",1,5zTwv118DEtSqTeTCjFFKEGVT9CtYDWftqa-buDPRsA4yg-wTljPyJLCB-l-B15pZGhkzASEsTYNE0WM4ZWz3g7bEXTtfJh-DtS6PEWgkIx5AOC7Ng,,&typo=1">Unwrapped</a>! VIU graphic design students chose products with excessive packaging and redesigned them to be more ecologically responsible. The exhibit runs from November 22 to December 1 at View Gallery, Building 330, Nanaimo campus.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Withdrawing from classes</strong></span></h3><p><span>Semester didn’t go quite as expected? If you want to withdraw from a Fall Semester course, Monday, November 28 is the deadline for academic penalty-free withdrawal or to change from credit to audit (or vice versa). Questions? Visit <a href=",1,mV_196Dt1Bz5FPxORruarQOWYMhU42-A2lfWVZ2htLbe4xQgxAjgqy92OgJsIwBnpdd7ZHzXWDkucv_GajCM4VLFI2byWCFsPy7p-iy5oEuhxDw,&typo=1" title=",1,mV_196Dt1Bz5FPxORruarQOWYMhU42-A2lfWVZ2htLbe4xQgxAjgqy92OgJsIwBnpdd7ZHzXWDkucv_GajCM4VLFI2byWCFsPy7p-iy5oEuhxDw,&typo=1"></a>.</span></p><h2>Covid updates</h2><h3><span><strong>Help us all stay healthy </strong>🤧</span></h3><p><span>VIU is reminding our community members to take steps to reduce your risk of illness this fall and winter. BC’s Provincial Health Officer recommends:</span></p><ul><li><span>Staying home if you have any symptoms of illness such as a sore throat, fever, runny nose or headache. You may return to work or the classroom when your symptoms have subsided and you are well enough to return to regular daily activities. Your instructors have been asked to work with you to manage course loads. </span></li><li><span><a href=",1,JwzTAdJocFOm3bMvofE4i3UmdB-eUI4CZiYAKR0JXU7qjcYZUGtpH8jL_7wDJDt9juzk1cDizTUgnRgBCZI6GFscNAQ3tGZ1Zg_D8x2l&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,JwzTAdJocFOm3bMvofE4i3UmdB-eUI4CZiYAKR0JXU7qjcYZUGtpH8jL_7wDJDt9juzk1cDizTUgnRgBCZI6GFscNAQ3tGZ1Zg_D8x2l&typo=1">Get vaccinated</a>. Keep your COVID-19 boosters up to date and get your flu vaccine. </span></li><li><span>Consider wearing a mask in crowded spaces with limited ventilation such as transit. You may also want to wear a mask on campus if you have a child or family member at home with symptoms of respiratory illness, even if you do not feel ill.</span></li></ul><h2>Deals</h2><p><span>Did you know that as a VIU student you have access to exclusive discounts in your community and across the province? Download the </span><a href=",1,YvPfMblmv2T_dvrT-SKRg0SxKRzyFIFZoyjR-nu1zG2Yj7I3Q5pKdkwmkUYAQMxfERAaq1_8buECZug4ONlnr97U6Pcszx6Woqf-Vv6H&typo=1" title=",1,YvPfMblmv2T_dvrT-SKRg0SxKRzyFIFZoyjR-nu1zG2Yj7I3Q5pKdkwmkUYAQMxfERAaq1_8buECZug4ONlnr97U6Pcszx6Woqf-Vv6H&typo=1">Deals App</a><span>, administered by the VIUSU and the BC Federation of Students, to learn more. Today’s featured businesses:</span></p><ul><li><span><strong>Coal City Cycles</strong>: 10% off parts and accessories.</span></li><li><span><strong>Dolly's Gym</strong>: 50% off three months up front, paid in full.</span></li></ul><h2>Campus events</h2><p><span>Stay on top of what's happening at VIU. Find ways to get involved: </span></p><ul><li><span><a href=",1,8asO3nVjSpZ_RaJhevKpdSb2Cdkq4AR4ZcQsinkTCYQBWhhfcgt6TBZxmIWg9zPx8RepLkphBeg1D2P2MGes3rQ8A3zWfM5-p3PMJ9UTkWxEbUZkExV3R9ADMrUY&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,8asO3nVjSpZ_RaJhevKpdSb2Cdkq4AR4ZcQsinkTCYQBWhhfcgt6TBZxmIWg9zPx8RepLkphBeg1D2P2MGes3rQ8A3zWfM5-p3PMJ9UTkWxEbUZkExV3R9ADMrUY&typo=1">Campus Events</a> website</span></li><li><span><a href=",1,tEuf4Unay3I0qa6n2uJgMxczXRm27CtPk3_TZE-Z5Y0BYJ5yKH_0hgUYwBMUXuutpv0if3y4N95BsLjKluxvVuRGBft7pGyWlnbL40tjQZEms-rvkxa8q9Bt0w,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,tEuf4Unay3I0qa6n2uJgMxczXRm27CtPk3_TZE-Z5Y0BYJ5yKH_0hgUYwBMUXuutpv0if3y4N95BsLjKluxvVuRGBft7pGyWlnbL40tjQZEms-rvkxa8q9Bt0w,,&typo=1">Co-curricular involvement app</a></span></li><li><span><a href=",1,2tggfIrIQ6L6WEFlNyahGD0YUI8AXkvgScxykD20zJ6cBOS4WSX2fByPap6R4ovZOT7IQm1o7UwhAmn30r5fvyA5jZNVicyUCwpfxzxvkg,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,2tggfIrIQ6L6WEFlNyahGD0YUI8AXkvgScxykD20zJ6cBOS4WSX2fByPap6R4ovZOT7IQm1o7UwhAmn30r5fvyA5jZNVicyUCwpfxzxvkg,,&typo=1">VIU Students' Union app</a></span></li></ul></body>\n </html> """ "summary" => null "format" => "basic_html" ] ] "field_blog_author" => [] "field_blog_author_link" => [] "field_blog_sub_heading" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "VIU Student Pulse News: November 23, 2022" ] ] "field_display_image_below_header" => [] "field_hero_format" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "short_image" ] ] "field_hero_image_media" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "465" "entity" => array:23 [ "mid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "465" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "e4e84576-dfac-4725-962a-e3196b29aea3" ] ] "vid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "492" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "bundle" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:14 [ "uuid" => "63d3472d-3317-492d-98b3-b0caf304e34e" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => array:1 [ "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "crop" ] ] "third_party_settings" => array:1 [ "crop" => array:1 [ "image_field" => "_none" ] ] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "FnuLezDbmiD87VTFx3nJPWqbCHqRHJXQs7WfUtIbsIw" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "Use local images for reusable media." 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