Head and shoulders of Sarah with a painting of ships behind her

Devel Load (with references)

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        <html><body><p>The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) co-ordinates a variety of scholarships, awards and bursaries to support new generations of salmon leaders and scientists, providing financial benefits to post-secondary students who are pursuing an education related to salmon.</p><p>Two students in the <a href="https://www.viu.ca/programs/science-and-technology/fisheries-and-aquaculture-technology">Fisheries and Aquaculture</a> diploma program at Vancouver Island University each received a $1,000 award from the Foundation in 2022. Sarah McKellar and Joe Clark accepted their awards at a special ceremony hosted by VIU in November of 2022. Meet the recipients below and learn more about their awards.</p><h3>Dr. Brian Riddell – PSF Fisheries Endowment Fund</h3><drupal-media data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="d8d8237f-893b-43c1-8a05-0cd3d5f3dee2" data-view-mode="small" data-caption="Sarah McKeller and Dr. Brian Riddell" data-align="left"></drupal-media><p></p><p>The annual Dr. Brian Riddell – PSF Fisheries Endowment Fund was established at VIU in 2018 in honour of PSF’s retiring CEO. Dr. Riddell worked for Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for 30 years followed by 10 years at the helm of the Foundation as CEO. Dr. Riddell remains with PSF as a science advisor. This scholarship is awarded annually to an outstanding upper-level student studying wild salmon conservation and management at VIU.</p><p>Sarah McKeller, a second-year student in the Fisheries and Aquaculture diploma program, is the 2022 recipient. Sarah was born and raised in Prince George, BC and grew up fishing in nearby lakes and witnessing sockeye runs in the Fraser River.</p><h3>Q&amp;A with Sarah McKellar</h3><h4>Why did you choose to study fisheries and aquaculture?</h4><p>I have always enjoyed biology and working outdoors. The fieldwork aspect of the program really interested me and the idea of having a role in conserving our freshwater and marine habitats is important to me.</p><h4>Do you volunteer with any streamkeeper groups or habitat restoration organizations?</h4><p>I’ve worked with streamkeepers in Qualicum. One role I had was surveying fish populations in two different streams. I organized equipment, set up surveys, recorded data and collected juvenile coho salmon, cutthroat trout, crayfish and lamprey. The province of British Columbia collects and keeps records of the data. The streamkeepers organization is amazing and every volunteer I have met is always so excited to be a part of it.</p><h4>Can you share some of your future career goals or ambitions?</h4><p>I hope to work with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in research and/or conservation. I have spent my practicum with environmental consultants and that is another career route that is very interesting to me.</p><h3>Alexander “Sandy” Miller PSF Fisheries Endowment Award</h3><drupal-media data-entity-type="media" data-entity-uuid="ec95efd7-5003-47c5-8bdb-40ab758f09a1" data-view-mode="small" data-caption="Joe Clark fishing in a river" data-align="right"></drupal-media><p></p><p>Alexander “Sandy” Miller was completing post-degree studies in fisheries and aquaculture at VIU when he passed away in 2017. Thanks to donations to the PSF in Sandy’s memory, along with funds from PSF, his family and the VIU Foundation developed the annual Alexander “Sandy” Miller PSF Fisheries Endowment Award in 2018.</p><p>Joe Clark received the memorial award in 2022. Joe, also a second-year Fisheries and Aquaculture diploma student at VIU, grew up exploring and fishing in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Clark moved to Squamish, BC, in 2018 and began learning about Pacific salmon, then moved to Nanaimo, BC, in 2021 to attend VIU.</p><h3>Q&amp;A with Joe Clark</h3><h4>Why did you choose to study fisheries and aquaculture?</h4><p>I grew up fishing and have always been interested in fish. I became fascinated with the behaviour and ecology of Pacific salmon after moving to the West Coast in 2018.</p><h4>Do you volunteer with any streamkeeper groups or habitat restoration organizations?</h4><p>I have been completing a student practicum with the Nanaimo Area Land Trust, working on a stream rehabilitation project in Hammond Bay. I have done some rehabilitation volunteer work with them on weekends.</p><h4>Can you share some of your future career goals or ambitions?</h4><p>I plan to finish my Bachelor of Science, major in Biology after my diploma, and eventually work in fisheries research and habitat restoration.</p><h4>How did you learn about PSF and what does the scholarship mean to you?</h4><p>I first learned about PSF through the ever-present salmon sticker you see on many vehicles around the West Coast. Support from scholarships helps me remain focused on my learning.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><i>To learn more about fisheries and aquaculture scholarship opportunities at VIU, please contact Duane Barker: </i><a href="mailto:Duane.Barker@viu.ca"><i>Duane.Barker@viu.ca</i></a><i>. Details on PSF’s Stewardship Community Bursaries are </i><a href="https://psf.ca/work/community/community-bursaries-program/"><i>available here</i></a><i>.&nbsp;</i></p></body>\n
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