Student jumping in trees

Devel Load (with references)

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        <html><body><p>It's the first full week of classes and we&nbsp;hope everyone is settling in well and excited to start a new semester. Below you’ll find answers to some common questions we get at this time of year, including how to buy your textbooks and where to go to get help if you’re struggling with your academics or course selections. If your question isn’t answered in this enewsletter, simply reply to this email!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><span><strong>Buying textbooks</strong></span></h3><p><span>Wondering how to buy textbooks and other supplies, as well as discounted bus passes? Check out our&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,AZ98k3sx2aAUZcHGHTyqfKdRvXQofZyAUd8FOL_a3_UeoUkCxdjeTfAjY1_Ok8tviGsBOCCBornsr75FnKAyYzBYdxORNLxKLylJ8jGMQuuLhYtVy6hVO6dyQ5k,&amp;typo=1"><span>Frequently Asked Questions</span></a><span>&nbsp;</span>page for more details on that and many other topics. Email<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=""><span></span></a><span><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></span>if you still have questions!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Rock VIU Beach Fire Chats for new students</strong></span></h3><p><span>On January 22 and 23, new students can connect with peer mentors through the Beach Fire Chats – your chance to ask questions and connect with one another. You can download VIU’s<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,W24zCKPMdd21_8TVvtqexOayuZr_H8TFi1m14yxhaQU9uAnvJv1h-69K5kcTGYSCWDS9HbL-uLrqo450ay3OdfpH7o24MJVJNHRqj2_3pveXdg,,&amp;typo=1"><span>Co-Curricular Involvement App</span></a>, available through the Apple App and Google Play stores, to access all details. If you missed the Opening Ceremony on January 6, no problem!<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,LxamCBSuJvfWhK8PJTvoTYsuX1Mi47CcXV2IZ9Q-nH-xXkSVJzJQMsa0m6nqHFXw-zO1NlILD2EtBdBtFIJrOqNhW7kJNueJYdadlbc_uA,,&amp;typo=1"><span>Watch it here</span></a>. For more information, visit the<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,QNMoz2D8EFFb4V-UpH7ErPa-IPk4eXhRY2Bs3u8W5lKetkheD4yUi38B47SxfQ--89f-Q8c4W2FP8t2WSAsgob7PyTxWCFgHn-Whc8DzjA,,&amp;typo=1" title=";c=E,1,QNMoz2D8EFFb4V-UpH7ErPa-IPk4eXhRY2Bs3u8W5lKetkheD4yUi38B47SxfQ--89f-Q8c4W2FP8t2WSAsgob7PyTxWCFgHn-Whc8DzjA,,&amp;typo=1"><span>Rock VIU homepage</span></a><span>.</span></span></p><h3><span><strong>Career Services virtual spring webinars</strong></span></h3><p><span>From interview prep strategies, to writing effective resumes and cover letters, to job search strategies, VIU's Centre for Experiential Learning has a number of virtual webinars to help you get job ready this semester. Visit the<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,OkBrIeAFYxYn_RGGD5kJEHiSWoxlauGZfsGuSFDZh7KnKgp9Y_rsn5vAfSJrJnm0ONO4lYzDBUCYTqZx4Y6jG2xjrcX2mc1WF7mR9b9OkS1sbg,,&amp;typo=1" target="_blank" title=";c=E,1,OkBrIeAFYxYn_RGGD5kJEHiSWoxlauGZfsGuSFDZh7KnKgp9Y_rsn5vAfSJrJnm0ONO4lYzDBUCYTqZx4Y6jG2xjrcX2mc1WF7mR9b9OkS1sbg,,&amp;typo=1"><span>CareerVIU homepage</span></a>, log in with your VIU login/password and click on the events calendar.</span></p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><span><strong>Get your lift on in the weight room</strong></span></h3><p><span>Mariners Athletics &amp; Recreation is offering pre-booked weight room sessions for VIU students and employees in the VIU Gym. Weight room sessions will be offered three times a day from Monday to Friday. Please be aware of the<a href=";c=E,1,nQMwQ8mbZ6U12E5SFKFKWi3kZ5odEBoWjklmmay-sajtJ0hNbgSREtcYW8VZgUnI0KSUHBS4wOLqKYbiTy4E8l6v0isxq0hnjuNyLzEx7OYX8kvDtJM,&amp;typo=1" title=";c=E,1,nQMwQ8mbZ6U12E5SFKFKWi3kZ5odEBoWjklmmay-sajtJ0hNbgSREtcYW8VZgUnI0KSUHBS4wOLqKYbiTy4E8l6v0isxq0hnjuNyLzEx7OYX8kvDtJM,&amp;typo=1"><span>updated mask policy</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>prior to booking. Visit the<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,YNN4OVpiojd1zMA3tgGwDiLKu_rOogqKBqtJc8_KKYgkbGyNi1DaX8OiHdOpE0LiYu4XW1dOsnZgQrg6McChqO_GFisZUt4VvzO0hYRR_SRLnMPJiAhP&amp;typo=1"><span>online booking system</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>to reserve your spot!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Work opportunities at the CREATE Conference</strong></span></h3><p><span>Want a work-op (a.k.a. VIU student job)?&nbsp;Join the CREATE 2021 Team! We need an&nbsp;App Pro<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>a&nbsp;Schedule Guru&nbsp;and a&nbsp;Zoom Boss. Wage is $16.60/hr for 50 or 100 hours this semester (depending on task).&nbsp;Contact&nbsp;<a href=""><span></span></a>&nbsp;for more info.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Get money to attend a conference</strong></span></h3><p><span>Thinking of attending a conference or workshop next semester? There are lots of opportunities happening virtually! VIU can cover the cost of registration – see&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,xIFXt8JKLkOz0PlBqSz3GDtu32CATpmJfgzWcMqpip0yEbsJsRHzWs46U5HCiGp29tbsndlUkdkS1cyso0_vke2hnwx6R5wCmOBDGU2kxwo,&amp;typo=1" target="_blank"><span>this page for more info</span></a>.&nbsp;<strong>Deadline is January 22.</strong><br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Great sex and how to have it</strong></span></h3><p><span>Join us for this third and final sexual health and wellness session offered by Cowichan Valley Youth Services on Monday, January 18. In this session we will explore what makes sex great for you and potential partners.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,HDrRWEBQTY12UBsqVz-MAmfoQxJ3pOixRzSq91mQtNGYTXRsWOJ2acTH2RIqiUqiFLxzdPk2i5C9qmRZlJ6Z-2i0xjvrPVB6g1Bzh_PxeA,,&amp;typo=1"><span>Visit the event page for more details</span></a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Rewilding the Ecosystem film showing</strong></span></h3><p><span>The VIU Interior Design Students’ Association is hosting a fundraising film showing of&nbsp;<em>The Green Point Project: Rewilding the Ecosystem</em>, a 24-minute documentary by Arcas Media about building a sustainable home in Cowichan, on Saturday, January 23. Students and faculty from VIU have been engaged with this project as a learning tool. The showing will be followed by a short panel discussion. A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the Nanaimo Area Land Trust.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,4CnzgQU15tHRjGIAiOIB2XFkHUIs0ogVPukH1PR3vQgTADWoLfwD0lRWgPyGVtVB6uN2eoTjWn7ltqZQOFZF69EKqJIaGzdw8JkB0i4DxuY,&amp;typo=1"><span>Learn more</span></a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Thriving in Action</strong></span></h3><p><span>Are you looking for motivation, energy, well-being and academic success? If so, it’s your time to Thrive!&nbsp;Join our new innovative, free program called<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,axVPdNIy2qNpss-KyLk8hLYdqbSLVU2TTiZiQGuEnGb9A4kJuI5d_dtd7D4JAuQEb5oi8nx6ufcn5gy6bWd5wYLUu5NpC-4CdsDvN_ZoRT5dqgaO7UQ,&amp;typo=1" target="_blank"><span>Thriving in Action</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>starting in January.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Bell Let’s Talk Day is January 28</strong></span></h3><p><span><a href=";c=E,1,hg_FnEwRJfcm-OEnQ5CWL-m30LCm0ktQ45IlDErYcF9flvkDe1YEY-XU5QOX0Dul8ituP53B7uqIZ78qyWXSLcMi1sOLrK7DaaAsl-9A5Ix5K6FCvelrRnYsig,,&amp;typo=1" title=""><span>Bell Let’s Talk Day</span></a>&nbsp;is a national campaign designed to support mental health across Canada. To get involved, keep your eyes on VIU’s&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,ix6mAWx7qtJle1KDRyHtd4fH8qDnIhHn0pe8kWCoIoRlqXV5bow9_HYFf336PIXsC9zSm3c0jEEeLMnWvJLihdLPgLS84fIhT855wWzTuw,,&amp;typo=1" title=""><span>Thrive Facebook page</span></a>&nbsp;over the next few weeks for all of VIU’s Bell Let’s Talk Day activities!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Online Discussion: Indigenous and Black Women’s Standpoints on Care</strong></span></h3><p><span>On Thursday, January 14 starting at 4 pm, join<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,t93ImBIl7RMWlHcbMhMw-LDAkx1VMb5E_PC3pNs6swn9Rsmjsx3SZuJsZqB0QrQap6NlTRuYXbGNneLMH-jpn9t3iiuW9ynsNRzNbCaqmQ,,&amp;typo=1"><span>Care(ful) Disruption: Indigenous and Black Women’s Standpoints on Care as a Strategy of Resistance and Continuance</span></a>. The event is sponsored by Gender &amp; History and the Canada Research Chair in the Historical Dimensions of Women’s Health (both headquartered at VIU). If you are interested in attending, email Dr. Whitney Wood at&nbsp;<a href=""><span></span></a>.</span></p><h2>Supports &amp; services</h2><h3><span><strong>Writing/English language supports</strong></span></h3><p><span>Are you uncertain about how to proceed with your research papers? Want to learn more about paragraph writing, reading academic articles or understanding thesis statements? Perhaps English is not your first language, and you’d like some help improving your oral English? The Writing Centre and International Academic Support are<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,p2ztBoUUjK7BFPRy3xoHHd7NBZwTlwB2rPCZzgcS1HGt1PTqJbZ-xxzAxMgwnnMv43eo8HmTOaY59WqcTnzYmZwNFzGRRuBylGw7i2M83os4dkY,&amp;typo=1">hosting a series of Zoom webinars</a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>to help!</span><span></span></p><ul><li><span>Also check out this blog post about writing a university research paper<strong>.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></strong>We asked John Hill, Coordinator of VIU’s Writing Centre, to<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,dCwBxu8Dr-I8qY1SHOGBabt9SXFReBJL55mCuenSW9YmNpB4EEz2KmiHF3ENTOx105cidFP5NO9t8yyYVlGpH7aqDPVsceLHJ3feJAOmSw,,&amp;typo=1">break it down into steps in this VIU Blog article</a>.</span></li></ul><p></p><h3><span><strong>Welcome back from the Advising team!</strong></span></h3><p><span>A friendly reminder from the Advising team: Don’t forget to check out the&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,9zHY3V0ft6ZLR-AjZhiLftZO_-1zO61vqUdrfv6tlW4xGn4SrPzzF4bAHB8ACwYlZzIz9JLymLN2037l_8ZrtwjXooGTdQ-O0L6xScVNHAgQD12zThyZhg,,&amp;typo=1" title="">DATES AND DEADLINES for Academic Programs</a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>website&nbsp;before you miss an important deadline like the last day to drop a course without having to fully pay for it. Another friendly reminder that there are<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,7yeluc_DbUMCH3HqDU4Pm_KKyWKWLbVAQpOLDDfab4_SAUGv-j3nqIoQLg0BTE5qoTzjMekYaUiGMKMEBKJpZcWmYD2IDdGjhCNzb-mgLQ,,&amp;typo=1">Educational Advisors to help with any questions you may have</a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>about your learning journey. Connect Early, Connect Often.<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Virtual Q&amp;A for VIU students</strong></span></h3><p><span>Do you have questions about how to access VIU services and supports? Need to connect with someone but not sure who? VIU is hosting<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,VjsYbvEBstwir9Wz0UII_inSf4sf-LN5kOpPLa81Ae5s5xdNGcSjy1bNb6IVD_k5Pl_iy3xhitVY517bcZjsd-66wmeGvRiLlROLwb4u_bJy&amp;typo=1">virtual Q&amp;A sessions for students</a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>via Zoom. Drop in anytime on Tuesday mornings from 8 - 9 am and Thursday afternoons from 3 - 4 pm for the month of January, starting January 5. Have a question about VIU services but don’t want to do Zoom? Email<a href=""></a>.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Takeout dinners available from VIU Food Services</strong></span></h3><p><span>No time to cook? VIU Food Services now has a weekly dinner plan. From Monday to Friday, takeout dinners will be available in the Upper Cafeteria from 4-6 pm. Individual dinners are available for $12 or a package for four is available for $40, taxes included. Visit the<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,XCUu9QM_ByGgNgxHAKUHiJufP-4wuIzsqadDMAoyYM0KDEfKtVqwchIq48ApWlQT1ZJ8vqxwuCK2mN13J6EMcmcYOLO6YWS7ZGQnQIyvELLO&amp;typo=1">VIU Food Services Facebook page</a><span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>for the weekly dinner menu.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>New terms and conditions page in VIULearn</strong></span></h3><p><span>You may notice this semester that the first time you log on to a course in VIULearn, a page with information about academic honesty and behaviour expectations in an online learning environment appears before you can view your course outline. This won’t be new information for continuing students; it is simply meant to remind students of their responsibilities on these two topics. Please Note: you MUST hit accept to continue on to your course shell. If you have any questions or concerns about the information on this page, please connect with your instructors.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>VIU Student Technology Guide</strong></span></h3><p><span>This is your&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,11fv0V-FmQLTFNsGMzjFCzXPh0e9YZw01MqtbmmL-Y7E8ev9RI7Z5xCfudjL1DW73Yk2QWlElYye9GW0hbcFeFG4ZvmSyH3Fh9Xm-ftUuv2LdjFg&amp;typo=1" title="">one stop reference guide</a>&nbsp;to university technology information for students. Learn how to create your computer account, update your email address, get your devices connected, and more. Reach out for support in the new Student Tech Help Chat!<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>It’s time for your check-up!</strong></span></h3><p><span>Your mental and emotional health are just as important as your physical health. Join the VIU counselling team for a drop-in, virtual mental health screening. The screening only takes 40 minutes and it’s free! This event is open to all VIU students on Thursday, January 28.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,xp5yRLmZ2wzDbh_jxHesg-c6NGgRBISVKEIbjwtcBSC6u4zTIs9T01h01LNdXtb2Hk401XO27yk7j_TIADMbpC9CcumjPcs-QbFsFBenNmbpndkNzA,,&amp;typo=1">Visit the event page for more details.</a><br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>VIU Nanaimo Library resources</strong></span></h3><p><span>Use your&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,kLDSZhXQmlvC-QZu0Eq4g3obJ0KK0-tshSeVbKo3xevEHbuB_fEXHDTVnaEbx4Pgskss4NFsLO73QLUDJiBsvbqYnz2hoaCfU7TSypm9vFM7fX-6GiRm&amp;typo=1">VIU ID card</a>&nbsp;to access the Nanaimo campus library’s third&nbsp;and fourth&nbsp;floors 24/7, 365 days a year. Want to use a locker, equipment or a study room at the library? Book through our&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,wLECQsV1g-uVsJ3Fh4QeMj5oa2cpwp0UYufak5N7GiYHBG0ZoVL-zgjkhZfVLSKkfmQO0l1ttCaK6ufrWEN_STM773neLViOcLTMqnTfOg,,&amp;typo=1">website</a>&nbsp;under the Spaces and Technology tab. Check our&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,8xDs_IVhoPQKJ6m4LflIbwr5-_Q4TDZLBPts55xomX07hQRpH1o6QmYKJ7LbtfhMYQO0b95WgAijnDUDgf__AuOxcqtO8ORr5l4TY3GAqPYOpFvYycLfgQ,,&amp;typo=1">Covid-19 updates page</a>&nbsp;for the latest info on all library services, including virtual research help.<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Tea and a Visit with a VIU Elder-in-Residence</strong></span></h3><p><span>Do you want to chat with a VIU Elder-in-Residence? Whether you are looking for advice or just a friendly ear, an Elder is&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,fD-uNa73HyAJaa9kpJFvsN9_OlxcIKG74tJdI07VH_4IedgEnyvR1FIw1ipMDN-znI6Ui41PchnPUNNqHZzV0cUZaGEeHbjbZndrSdb3zSIycIBvAEjJR3f-&amp;typo=1">available every day Monday to Friday throughout the month of January.</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Important reading for international students who want to stay in Canada!<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></strong></span></h3><p><span>We wanted to bring your attention to this<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,tBUB33xZ-1j3c9V-kfOzbSbboffOuEFDhks3J2EwmhXRC4cxvMFBtLLmD2R_HAG8N4LAOvimhaMbRDbj4tTy00z5UM7-OUq8tS_pcGqF3_RI3GjIxQK19492iDRN&amp;typo=1">Globe and Mail article</a>, which details a new work permit being offered by the federal government in a bid to convince international students to settle in Canada permanently. These new open work permits will allow students 18 more months to remain in Canada to find jobs.</span></p><h2>Mark your calendars</h2><h3><span><strong>Last day to drop a course</strong></span></h3><p><span>Wednesday, September 20 is the last day to drop a Spring semester course without having to fully pay for it.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,3fWpucBGkPsnWFOHI4PU-lMQpdi5I5wPjChHxBq3w03raoBtg32FiJZY3I7c9h-x96zSmhPr7k4KbStfJ3ULiKOjHTf2jHtg6mwL7USU38vgKTjDTyGXkBY7sqyb&amp;typo=1">Learn more</a>.&nbsp;<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Spring Semester fees are due</strong></span></h3><p><span>Your Spring Semester fees, calculated based on course enrolment as of this date, are due Thursday, September 21.<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href=";c=E,1,35we7oA1y4eNBxR1tboCDB8aDu43u454NDMJwbFdOaNy4UsdZzkUmLJdz2ou_sggIQTOUh_pVIIHpQkTvO7yt630woZLCBqZpXGfiLK3it3NS63yw-CYl0w,&amp;typo=1" title=";c=E,1,35we7oA1y4eNBxR1tboCDB8aDu43u454NDMJwbFdOaNy4UsdZzkUmLJdz2ou_sggIQTOUh_pVIIHpQkTvO7yt630woZLCBqZpXGfiLK3it3NS63yw-CYl0w,&amp;typo=1">Learn more</a>.</span></p><h2>COVID-19 updates</h2><h3><strong>COVID-19 updates and information</strong></h3><p><span>A reminder to students that important health and safety updates, FAQs and other resources related to VIU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span></span><a href=";c=E,1,OgmJtAWOUrL5XeUkNIrHORD_X4pI9pzS1eAtMcispQdyUMbmN2MlSaVoQEuHwx9a2Hv1HjHRi92AYwMKpOOLdbkz6i7DFWX-nUx7qpOk5BlOaRsLVIAUz6g,&amp;typo=1" title=";c=E,1,OgmJtAWOUrL5XeUkNIrHORD_X4pI9pzS1eAtMcispQdyUMbmN2MlSaVoQEuHwx9a2Hv1HjHRi92AYwMKpOOLdbkz6i7DFWX-nUx7qpOk5BlOaRsLVIAUz6g,&amp;typo=1">can be found on our dedicated website</a><span>.</span></p></body>\n
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