Rock VIU logo with students on a beach in background

Devel Load (with references)

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        <html><body><p>We are gearing up to welcome you back to campus this fall and have lots of activities planned to help orient you to university life, from RockVIU new student orientation, to summer warm-up tours, to resources you can check out in advance to help prepare you for the fall semester. Read on to find out more!</p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><strong>Welcome back from Irlanda Gonzalez Price&nbsp;</strong>👋</h3><p>Our Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs, Irlanda Gonzalez Price, is eager to welcome new and continuing students back to campus this fall. <a href=";c=E,1,EIBZ_GWmig5iDNCfFRrFfzFgFe9NdbZr-HaPcHzFinb-M5tixFJWNQdCxfPhxI_e7XheR35iXP6uNQit1CXN2nXmrbQVOTXo7Ni3D5hn0euMFhZ4pvgN58ldzdrE&amp;typo=1">Read her welcome note</a> for important information about student services and ways to get involved in our community.</p><h3><strong>Return-to-campus guidelines now out&nbsp;</strong>📜</h3><p>On Monday, July 5, 2021, BC’s Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training released new <a href=";c=E,1,FJ5uL2l0yflTpRQr9qDqlPU7fTrRgUlffdtUKjfm3vMF0Kz9yMaQOTUSRC4gvClgOrhCNUOM1iYfplevpQKFmi3tCxFqL5Zas0Nin-Cp9T_9qriOIcM,&amp;typo=1">Return-to-Campus Guidelines</a>, designed to parallel the provincial government’s <a href=";c=E,1,ObuBGoFigWYAN7sneEKC09qWABn4jY4Af4PeJbBF8JkXW9qcBNear_ER19NXX7DmqQkr4V_kNaXTvgf0dLi2WRhSfHxV1b7yeY6kVVsDCFcQWA,,&amp;typo=1">restart plan</a>. The guidelines highlight the importance of public health measures such as daily health checks and hand hygiene, and outline classroom logistics and on-campus student housing and dining services. Our <a href=";c=E,1,Nns2uOWx8dgns9hdUFxWD0aNuu_z8qqQZZZteBMZa7evssIC--3_JVv0vK8r-ZoovpsgWdeMCiZWcMoPfqybiX9TxHnEKbrxEkOpdrhvwg,,&amp;typo=1">FAQs for the 2021-22 Academic Year</a> have now been updated with information about what this looks like for VIU and stay tuned to this newsletter for more in coming weeks.</p><h3><strong>Where will I live while attending VIU?&nbsp;</strong>🏠</h3><p>So you’ve registered for your classes and now you’re looking forward to having a bit of fun and down time before you start university. Great! But before you head out on your summer adventures, there’s one more thing you should be thinking about now – where are you going to live? Here are <a href=";c=E,1,hFgh5ni3XUkmQkkqdYDRUZVqRB3zG0_yburhabIKzhvG5Omysq0yaqFMI9qaENkvltWlMPSVxLiuHdALVYtkjbECC2XkWsJshxyP-ZY1u_T0LiEylsxp3uw,&amp;typo=1">5 tips to help you find the right fit</a>.</p><h2>Mark your calendars</h2><h3><strong>RockVIU: New student orientation&nbsp;</strong>🎉</h3><p>From August 23 to September 3, 2021, RockVIU: New student orientation is happening, with a mix of online and in-person events to get you connected to services, supports and each other. Check out the <a href=";c=E,1,zFZMMj3UcjxNqy4D1gCt5l8TAN2oUP_E3QA5xmxD5CnQSwBZsql3wtoLIcrAQwC2n1ykotn8q5yGRCPqGqvk7w_FF95xzGOV4UJd26pGMGGJtUnZpDQEXwc,&amp;typo=1">RockVIU 2021 trailer</a> for more.</p><h3><strong>Student loan applications&nbsp;</strong>🖥</h3><p>Apply for a student loan for the fall? <a href=";c=E,1,OpI_azlarMNe--JoufyOmCqtoVgmwr6VdewDtTzZUyI91EX-vu1iiIn5W8TrN8pLwKPEvtodCsVna54gzCl5Lt1WEm6tb4ew0C7rKB3YdkM,&amp;typo=1">September 14 is the recommended deadline</a> to apply for fall semester funding. Visit <a href=";c=E,1,jBLApgiXc2kE4dMVmLJsZxhG_nWSPGIX453MPr6SsoPWwc4XKDuMd3b2O9c0PQsPZ8QgHw33qoDlSSTGYeyZfvl1M8UeEX3Ox5q5HGHWjHf2oipbEMMxDg,,&amp;typo=1">VIU Financial Aid</a> for tips and support.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><strong>Watch the #VIUGrad2021 Celebration&nbsp;</strong>🎓</h3><p>Have you watched our June 24 Graduation Celebration yet? If not, <a href=";c=E,1,dXTT8GG3F1-WAsJxsUHNF3QN6IOezdFmkOUJJgt1RGCGAl7G_CpxgJLvHt3-5tAaKyXS4v7OhGadsp-3sogS6w9px54kL-nq-k-qSEHkRY67ohGd2rmD0g,,&amp;typo=1">check it out on our Facebook channel</a> to see what our valedictorians and special celebrity guests had to say about the past year and a half.</p><h3><strong>Volunteer at RockVIU new student orientation&nbsp;</strong>🙋</h3><p>Are you interested in welcoming new students as they start their university journey? RockVIU 2021 is looking for volunteers to help out August 23 to September 3, 2021. Learn more and download the application form on the <a href=";c=E,1,mi0nQsIm7v7PxN36L8J-vRetTEf9R4bw3RcrlTjgNUdIv6kXMPgenIh6f8oNRlBk7jCtn50BfMSYTPzMbX0Enl9du2_SJm51YyacVr4Nn7-z_mjEx4Mc&amp;typo=1">RockVIU website</a>.</p><h3><strong>Hand in Hand intergenerational storytelling project&nbsp;</strong>🤲</h3><p>Volunteer Nanaimo is looking for students to join in this storytelling project that connects volunteers with seniors. You can develop your journalism skills, gain wisdom and keep a senior connected by helping them to tell their story. For more information visit&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,Kl3T7xjRg4tMqaaAS0DN5CXkM43RaJ-SMMKS39HiWhGCmU4a2ZRNuPujhm59EqjTHvDdv4m2TWD0zBWGwgOY_TZM-uarBKYA45E4H3njIYXB&amp;typo=1">Hand in Hand&nbsp;</a>or email Gwen at&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p><h3><strong>Submissions open for Literacy Central magazine&nbsp;</strong>📖</h3><p>Literacy Central Vancouver Island wants Island youth to submit stories, poems and artwork that reflect your unique identities, values and experiences. The organization’s <em>PLACE Magazine&nbsp;</em>is now accepting submissions for its third edition, amplifying voices of BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ youth ages 13-30. Submissions can be emailed to&nbsp;<a href="" title=""></a>.&nbsp;</p><h3><strong>Actions for reconciliation</strong></h3><p>“The goal as citizens and educators is to decolonize our thinking and our actions.” We wanted to share a really good resource from our friends at BCcampus – actions on reconciliation as citizens and educators. <a href=";c=E,1,Pk1npVLTsKl5ezvmF6osWC0mBMTjniylXA4kG2fY0if-9eUx6Qu1LpbpZK-ilpmTrKOfFBsb9ZDp2_ByJCXIFd75D2_Z3YIi__xVrZhdOOw9Ostp1m0,&amp;typo=1">Check it out and share widely</a>.</p><h2>Supports and services</h2><h3><strong>Recognizing the impacts of news about residential schools</strong></h3><p>Always present in our thoughts is the ongoing impacts on our students, employees and wider community as we continue, as a country, to discover unmarked graves of children at residential school sites. We acknowledge the impact on our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being as we continue to hear these stories. We want to remind you that supports are available. <a href=";c=E,1,BMzSm80SSmr3ChsGuHifR-ktuKdqHBma_dvWgCzRRaulN4nTJnzjfxqF2OB4ejUXgNJ-Shxjs84MKtwLR_5OtxcKFrMSIkIIp0MSeuK6OdnoAMir3lY,&amp;typo=1">VIU Counsellors are here for you, as well as several local crisis lines</a>, and the National Indian Residential School Crisis Line number is 1-866-925-4419. You can also join Penelakut Tribe for a March for the Children at 9 am on August 2, starting at the Salish Sea Market in Chemainus.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><h3><strong>Get a head start with the Student Technology Guide&nbsp;</strong>💻</h3><p>There is one place that offers answers to all things technology-related at VIU – the <a href=";c=E,1,aounXW49ZXDG_kTNN2YNNluWroW09B-ClgVDb6pMDiQUwYkoYpXxuDmHjwnj14L36nsVa7x84-ANR8EsVSUDC5C7fdPKklUsEUYX_6DgS8kzGKBoMhkV4A,,&amp;typo=1">Student Technology Guide</a>! Create your computer/online account, access the technology loaner program, figure out your online courses, get free software and so much more.</p><h3><strong>Food on campus this fall&nbsp;</strong>🍔🥪</h3><p>This September, many of VIU’s Food Services are re-opening. Currently, the Mount Benson Market (Building 305) is open with grab and go food options. Starting in September, the Upper Cafeteria (Building 300) will be open Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 2 pm. Starbucks (Building 305) will be open Monday to Friday, 7 am to 2 pm. Also, you can now <a href=";c=E,1,7vgDbaMlHGAeyrD3qjP8RwSiiCCSLSeMQYUpYhreRz2n5valUm75FV142Q_gWnac15rGaPPpo2ZHxK8V_ETFjxgHSUK1KQWlUrXd-VnNQM0t898Lu9H1&amp;typo=1" target="_blank">purchase a meal plan</a>.&nbsp;</p><h3><strong>Funding options to pay for university&nbsp;</strong>💸</h3><p>Paying for university can be challenging. The good news is, there are lots of options available to help you manage expenses and reduce costs while having a great university experience.&nbsp;Our Financial Aid Access Specialist <a href=";c=E,1,qhDWQvcujrBNABi8a8qJwhA1OeF50VzGe2i4S5uQiE0gdY74CzV6n3Xeaoy4Ew8Agv4Nv7HBUm6DglRjP0TEFIxe2fGKSQx0JLnRvfsFhJQKIW2gpHZaQQ,,&amp;typo=1">shares some tips in her latest blog post</a>.</p><h3><strong>External awards with upcoming deadlines&nbsp;</strong>💸</h3><p>External awards are those available to all students through agencies unaffiliated with Vancouver Island University. To get you started, Financial Aid &amp; Awards has compiled <a href=";c=E,1,Gcuc1BOQDFKsv6Q9ApHGQ_YGjxEb9ArHmv4S6oFVm9Lv9A7SQ6UQ0gmARtpvRthluSoTO9zDZbEkLbD1ppLJ5EdjPVi-om5T4OG9dSdhze_Oh0up2uJdLYyx&amp;typo=1">a list of some with upcoming deadlines</a> that you may qualify for.</p><h3><strong>Join our new Wellness Peer program!&nbsp;</strong>👥</h3><p>Are you passionate about promoting wellness and mental health? Interested in developing skills to aid in a future career in the helping professions? Apply to be a volunteer with VIU’s new Wellness Peer program and build your resume while contributing to a healthy and supportive VIU campus culture! All details can be found on the <a href=";c=E,1,YFW9T_NOskw2J9q90Z1Btw_BBb5ateNkm_R6cD6NdBJefz8_ZDGygKZSHukGRh7mBWypYq5X1j787E8z-nYGDENm6XB67h4uqa2OiKulLkBUmTqkkESsu0rgWOHx&amp;typo=1">Wellness Peers</a> homepage.&nbsp;</p><h3><strong>Need to upgrade?&nbsp;</strong>📚</h3><p>Are you interested in upgrading courses to meet the prerequisites for a program or a course? We can help you with that, and we have many delivery options! Contact Academic and Career Preparation at&nbsp;<a href="" title=""></a>&nbsp;or 250-740-6425.&nbsp;</p><h2>COVID updates</h2><h3><strong>Occupancy limits and signage at VIU</strong></h3><p>Now that we are in Step 3 of BC’s Restart Plan and preparing for Step 4, we have a few important updates to share:</p><ul><li>Occupancy limits&nbsp;for offices and classrooms are not required in Step 4 of the&nbsp;BC&nbsp;Restart Plan. VIU will start this transition by removing occupancy limit&nbsp;signs&nbsp;in all non-learning locations first. Occupancy limits in learning areas will be removed in August to prepare for the Fall semester.&nbsp;</li><li>The WorkSafeBC COVID-19&nbsp;signs&nbsp;posted at the main entrances of&nbsp;VIU&nbsp;buildings&nbsp;over the past year&nbsp;are being replaced with the&nbsp;<a href=";c=E,1,qV2O9X1wGX11Goe7w3IyGUW94NQivp3hSyt2cTHCK7biqyuPHl09Ya7-_aHqBCr6VtSMiB4YNffXouDyECp7oPWyk_WklNViF-rCS2JBBZeUcyM6dTXeFNvf7Jk,&amp;typo=1">Golden Rules for Everyday Life&nbsp;</a>infographic. As VIU transitions to our&nbsp;new&nbsp;Communicable Disease Plan, signs will be placed throughout campus and inside buildings&nbsp;that will highlight&nbsp;the keys points of the plan.</li><li>Directional arrows will continue to be used to help control traffic flow in some areas of campus.</li></ul><p>If you have any questions, please contact&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p></body>\n
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