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"array_path" => "revision_uid.0.entity" ] ] "title" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "VIU Student Pulse News: August 11, 2021" ] ] "created" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1628746366" ] ] "changed" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1713983422" ] ] "promote" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "sticky" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "0" ] ] "default_langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "revision_default" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "revision_translation_affected" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1" ] ] "moderation_state" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "published" ] ] "metatag" => array:3 [ 0 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "title" "content" => "VIU Student Pulse News: August 11, 2021 | Vancouver Island University | Canada" ] ] 1 => array:2 [ "tag" => "meta" "attributes" => array:2 [ "name" => "description" "content" => "Back to school is just a few weeks away! We want to make sure you’re ready, so this issue of the Pulse includes info on events that will help you settle in (check out RockVIU and Summer Warm-ups) as well as links to resources to help you get familiar with everything you need to know, like how to get your student card and books. If you have any questions, you can always simply reply to this email. 👋" ] ] 2 => array:2 [ "tag" => "link" "attributes" => array:2 [ "rel" => "canonical" "href" => "" ] ] ] "url_slug" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "viu-student-pulse-news-august-11-2021" ] ] "path" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "alias" => "/blog/viu-student-pulse-news-august-11-2021" "pid" => "138" "langcode" => "en" ] ] "menu_link" => [] "body" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "value" => """ \n <html><body><p><span>Back to school is just a few weeks away! We want to make sure you’re ready, so this issue of the Pulse includes info on events that will help you settle in (check out RockVIU and Summer Warm-ups) as well as links to resources to help you get familiar with everything you need to know, like how to get your student card and books. If you have any questions, you can always simply reply to this email. 👋</span></p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><span><strong>Info on COVID-19 vaccinations for post-secondary students </strong></span><span>💪</span></h3><p><span>As a new academic year draws near, Island Health wants to ensure that every student is protected against COVID-19. Wondering if you need one or more doses of vaccine? How to make an appointment? If you can just walk in somewhere and get it done? Check out this<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,lIhSuNg8NyHbMWC8ivGvgiP-TN46_N9A-VAMGszwVTZDtWqUEHh2w0EzLawi3EefQIhJZkYOW0YhACGmz9FcTP2_eL6xx2C_7tNpzR6ijA,,&typo=1"><span>information bulletin from Island Health</span></a> on the VIU Blog.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Q&A event for international students travelling to Canada this fall </strong>🧳</span></h3><p><span>Are you an international student planning to travel to Canada for your fall studies at VIU? Join VIU International Education staff on Tuesday August 17 at 8:00am Pacific Time. We know many of you are stressed and anxious as you attempt to navigate travel restrictions, quarantine guidelines, study permit approvals and much more. Our staff will share updates about travel requirements, student service resources you can access, and answer questions. They will not be able to answer questions about specific academic programs, but will direct you to resources for these types of questions. This webinar will be recorded and shared out with students by email. Please<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,hy_WIIbe2E5miK184FGV_3hztxJvUd2Q4ALsxf-XhrYXsnbr9fp9LmfVejTjFWiOH_uc7wZzH0ryLE5KW_0IHOi01edOIdMJ0Q5BE5Jiepdf1Ts,&typo=1"><span>click on this link to register to join the webinar</span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Preventing Heat Stress </strong></span><span>🥵</span></h3><p><span>Environment Canada has issued a<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,zJHpIT8h5G2IfEEGO2sdRRcEGFViK3n-y9uVA8iVQSensVlQTCxR-MCLxSZF3L_EJkSYDDwENKgUHhtH0i8UVY0p7ilI2K5lyxwBOAqrCmsmdWs,&typo=1"><span>heat warning</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for our area that is supposed to last through to Sunday. Here are some tips from VIU’s Health and Safety office on staying cool during the heatwave:</span><span></span></p><ul><li><span>Increase your water intake.</span></li><li><span>Limit strenuous physical work during the hottest hours of the day (11 am to 3 pm).</span></li><li><span>Wear light-coloured, loose-fitting cotton clothing and take regular breaks in a cool, well-ventilated area.</span></li><li><span>Be aware of your own personal risk factors (pre-existing conditions or medications) and check yourself and others for<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,TN7UG2OG4e_9UqomTIaR9uS-eeUZQAEC5WsVcIY7HJ6qf_pfZg8APimKaJUPuwIhRZZWjWkOjejpNqxMyuyaLV6yjQMlH3plbPQoFstmIdTP1J8,&typo=1"><span>symptoms of heat stress</span></a>.</span></li></ul><h3><span><strong>Check out the Connect Fair at #RockVIU </strong></span><span>😎🌭</span></h3><p><span>The<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><strong>Connect Fair Festival</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>is an afternoon for students to engage and collaborate with one another while enjoying food, music and (at the Nanaimo campus) carnival-style inflatables and games. Learn more about the VIU services and opportunities available to you, check out local businesses, and win prizes! The Connect Fair happens on August 31 from noon to 1:30 pm at the Cowichan campus and September 2 from noon to 4:30 pm at the Nanaimo campus. Also – don’t forget to sign up for the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><strong>Beach Fire Chats</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>August 25 to 27 to get any outstanding questions you have answered by a peer mentor at VIU. Once you’re signed up, the whole schedule can be downloaded into your agenda on the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,gBmxTNKJnj0ZXpbWzzaKFpDqz7hbf3b5GDEuzznEH8HubgdnBDN-W7sEg-v0Gf09-VMImYI-ajL5M2H1uAIPjBPGiosMql5dBJxQXvL86eW6Byyv&typo=1"><span>co-curricular involvement app</span></a>. <a href="">Register for RockVIU</a>. </span></p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><span><strong>Student Life Fall Activity Guide now out </strong></span><span>🏄\u{200D}♀️</span></h3><p><span>From outdoor adventures like waterfall hikes, surfing, trail running and white-water kayaking, to indoor fitness classes, intramurals, tournaments and other special events like paintball and escape room challenges, Mariners Athletics and Recreation has lots of activities to keep you moving and meeting new people this fall.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,H2bvuQbV1NXs0Reii6TG4IPY1m7L4sbf9wh_Mjv_VLnHcYVXk_uyX9s8S_g14V5CABiBLyKs4Us5vtDJdjsOHJUCXq5rxB296iT9QXY4fcu7TLlFcukSyls,&typo=1"><span>Check out the activity guide</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>and plan out your fall fun!</span></p><h3><span><strong>All Nations Feast: September 16, 2021 </strong></span></h3><p><span>The Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement would like to invite you to come, witness and be a part of this traditional welcome for our Indigenous students, taking place at Shq’apthut, Building 170 at the Nanaimo campus. This feast provides an opportunity for representatives from our four Nations on Vancouver Island (Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuu-chah-nulth, Coast Salish and Métis) to provide a traditional welcome.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,ooCOkFHOpgjYHZDtWtwiOW9gRqoDSOiKns05LbEXlvBiv75thIs9Xr-TERDSO0fTzWK3YWteXo5NQnx23nIT7xutlxm7GxHGAJ-8eAECXaTsKjVB3aQ,&typo=1"><span>More info</span></a>. <br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Join VIU’s Student Ambassadors for Summer Warm-ups 😎</strong></span></h3><p><span>New to VIU? Join us for the 2021 Summer Warm-Ups. VIU Student Ambassadors are excited to show you around and give you the inside scoop to get you started on your journey as a new student at VIU. There are several dates and times available in August to join us in-person, as well as virtual options via Zoom. <a href=",1,nG100rDGqiMY7jYrccqncj4nd_YiYHUT-6PuZe3_xI_2HsULuCq0RoCy_FbS7jJy9CVFTHweVnhGkh9cn8aMr0Wwj8sRY1J710jqcEF_zVQda2cPGCY,&typo=1"><span>Register via Eventbrite</span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Info night for parents </strong></span><span>🗣</span></h3><p><span>Calling all new students! We have a special webinar for your parents to learn how to support you as you begin your academic journey (and when not to!<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></span><span>😀</span><span>). This event is part of RockVIU new student orientation.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,Vvt_O1AOGHacybDr1gJPUlvYf4E-81wm1jxaYsrswSycggdNWYuFQu8qUzdm-uUPhqkilxhAyXrvHSUBPO4aZll9085iIHU4jgC3Aa_vomLTG0FpXKMX6s8,&typo=1" target="_blank"><span>Share this registration link with your parent</span></a><a href=",1,u8ik183OnHTEHw8iKS09r25PDXdJ2-8wuXNY10Ujqm1C2h-P5Vz-sPqqsXogBAT1mdyLYM4EDf3DrwI94RSOouHuVn_3DeB9OTgLnNdIBams8oqQioC93sR2Ggmt&typo=1" target="_blank"><span>s</span></a>. <br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Volunteer tutors needed </strong></span><span>🤓</span></h3><p><span>Are you interested in becoming a volunteer tutor at VIU? Volunteer tutors provide one-on-one support that has helped countless learners to succeed. You do not need teaching experience to be a tutor. Benefits of volunteering include free tutor training and gaining experience to grow your resume. Your skills can help someone else reach their goals! For more information contact <a href=""><span></span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>You’re invited to VIU’s first Outdoor Movie & Pizza Night </strong></span><span>🎬🍕</span></h3><p><span>Put back your car seat and relax to enjoy this movie/pizza night! This event takes place on Thursday, September 2 at VIU Cowichan and Friday, September 3 at VIU Nanaimo, starting at 9 pm both days. These events are part of RockVIU: New Student Orientation, but we encourage all students to attend to get the academic year started in a fun way. The RockVIU Final Jam will also be played as a pre-show.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,akdX7q22V0TcBvze3i2fpveRCwZLSFlAgOzR7IUSJS6twUaHFgTplMPHtaDqwwMDcRpk4qlM6y9mrG8H3YqDiZzTnX1LQDyIdLaJfBjpcDtv&typo=1" target="_blank"><span>Registration is required</span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Looking to make a difference while improving your writing skills? </strong></span><span>👥🗣</span></h3><p><span>Volunteer with the Hand in Hand Intergenerational Storytelling Project! The project connects volunteers with seniors to preserve their stories for their families and friends, all while keeping them connected in the community. For more information visit <a href=",1,L2o-PWHTClan2y3dIzBMN68ZrX5V3suWtirHgLY3fbhAvzb0Bj4eBX4t2-0_0N8z6p-xOSMmHhEd_O9NYuGhnI0GHmWSUfSSN8FgTj8soX9oHv7r29g-E8tB7A,,&typo=1"><span>Hand in Hand</span> </a>or email Gwen at <a href="" target="_blank" title=""><span></span></a>.</span></p><h2>Supports and services</h2><h3><span><strong>Get your books and supplies from the Campus Store </strong></span><span>📚</span></h3><p><span>The Campus Store carries everything you need to make the most out of your VIU experience. This includes all your back-to-school gear, textbooks, digital access codes for online materials, special attire, tools, art supplies and much more. Nanaimo store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Students can currently pick up online orders from the Cowichan store Tuesday to Thursday, 9 am to 3:30 pm, and after August 30, the store will be open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3:30 pm.<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Update on food on campus </strong></span><span>🍔🍟</span></h3><p><span>VIU Food Services has got you covered for a great semester on campus! In the Upper Cafeteria, new outlets will allow Food Services to provide lots of options while ensuring a safe experience based on lessons learned during the pandemic. The salad bar has been replaced with a new build your own salad, sandwich and power bowl station serviced by our staff. There will also be an allergen station and grill station providing everything from your classic hamburger to a barbecue grilled rack of ribs. You can now<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,asoZnV1i-t63-_57U2vp0IAhYcfJX4ODkfhMepBnLYs-YY5VPYubSJeswSLr-aPVd_ERdlGpsKVOUuIQDtXoMvqcfp5EwhdD94tppHTsW-3Ifukj4fGZOnMQWO0,&typo=1"><span>purchase Dining Plans online</span></a>. Hours:</span><span></span></p><ul><li><span><strong>Cafeteria</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>hours are Monday to Friday, 7 am to 7 pm and Saturdays 10 am to 2 pm.</span></li><li><span>Grab and go food items remain available in the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><strong>Campus Store</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm.</span></li><li><span><strong>Starbucks</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>will be open starting September 7 from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm.</span></li></ul><h3><span><strong>Get your VIU ID card at the Library to access buildings and more </strong></span><span>💳</span></h3><p><span>Welcome to new and returning students! Be sure to check out VIU Library’s<a href=",1,NSEZm9TD0ol5AGWz19akPX-Gk8h9aCsmVLsI5mHzgreOOr6MPMdJDOAMBzbfEOJYgLq0U4seqlkzLpkjXsVfuAPoBz0j4IeWr2DS3EQciDCnSVsRB5v7x4vGh7Ba&typo=1"><span>Getting Started guide</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for important information on how to set up your<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,uc-ZyYYcYqvxHHO_ahQghET4mNx7Us_yZ28B4CEJuzgMKEblDd1F8jvJx3t2JIs7GZCr1l-CsMRfJV0Z7qSl1iGOs4uamUpJJa3ACUFvdy9AQQ,,&typo=1"><span>VIU ID card</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>online and other library services and updates. Your VIU ID card provides you with 24-7 access to the Nanaimo campus library, which is open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm but accessible via card access outside of those hours. Your card also provides you with access to services such as loans and printing, various campus spaces and other perks.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,G0gt2v-Dilsjm18UD_cH6gaUUBzFLjnCKzKkAqSl4gxZSH-xTKKjHlKW7pfrfZVzgWtaPb4LGNaqtDo65DRE3GwFNJ8IeYJ2EecHfX3_4EOaRDlbwDZZAg,,&typo=1"><span>Contact us</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for assistance.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Thriving in Action </strong></span><span>🧠</span></h3><p><span>As the Fall semester approaches, are you looking for motivation, energy, well-being and academic success? If so, we’ve got the program for you! Join our innovative new program where you can learn better, feel better and do better. Check out all the details and register for our Fall zoom session <a href=",1,_UPLJk3daxkWkoN-PSWsv6OlgD9iS6yYT2YgBGdS7lv3ijiDHxviSqiRussgd6G-t2dmHZvq2aL2ZKpM5j_hVE9QJ9aOGaTwaokL_9yu&typo=1" title=""><span>here</span></a>!</span></p><h3><span><strong>Attention all incoming new students! </strong></span><span>🎒</span></h3><p><span>Need help with course planning, web registration or have other questions that need answers? Advisors are available by phone, daily Zoom Drop-In (Monday to Friday, 11 am to 1 pm) or email to answer your questions or at least point you in the right direction. Advisors will also be available on campus starting August 24, 2021. We are like your compass for university. And don’t forget to familiarize yourself with <a href=",1,60tGCQXjwq7GBk5P88MIfhmJGlh0IIM27IEXp8HrPWBdRy72U2-hqy0M55gZsu36iBzf1VGf8tKSdoJ2bJ9F3CvDFchoNNxaMlS_OOumAWUyTjS2QA,,&typo=1" title=""><span>University Terminology</span></a> to make your transition to university much easier.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,lW6TGsVIQgmfMbPFKH_PRt0A9zlLUBos4QLtSNM2kk_GVPDnQBEpwQogJvehK4SB66nuK0tvURSWQgCx3JOVB3KdxfH3qly77gcP-Gq58bhIcal5meerlgWcCMY,&typo=1"><span>Connect with an Educational Advisor</span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Need a Tutor? </strong></span><span>✏️</span></h3><p><span>Free tutoring is available in all subjects. Get the one-on-one encouragement and support you need to help you succeed. Don’t wait, tutors are ready now!<a href=",1,fKskhxL7C1AamYi2yGieN9YjBsQfP9T6jN4lQ-LbPUdYHJXyh1-AdcHQQVnY0uMMiIkpHq3Gb15nfINoIuQFXRA5Ex7nUV0c32P9thAWEIYpRuPp4J8,&typo=1"><span>Complete a Tutor Request Form online</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to get help now. For more information about how the volunteer tutor program can work for you, email <a href=""><span></span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Welcome back from Cowichan Student Affairs </strong></span><span>👋</span></h3><p><span>Don’t forget to check out the<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,o9h1XhvVmfbht3AgLUtdD33QpNs2u9TMq9aMC8h69FZHFh8hbHIj5FLG68I1xyrS6SRT9potYkHRk4BjfRCIXKOWy1krARU2AWUY6unu62Jf&typo=1"><span>VIU Cowichan Support Services webpage</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>to learn all about what’s available to you as a VIU Cowichan student. We have advisors to help with all your educational planning questions, and counsellors available to enrolled students experiencing personal, career or academic difficulties. We also offer Accessibility Services, Services for Indigenous Students, Assessment & Exam Invigilation Services, and Financial Aid.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Join Thrive events </strong></span><span>😀</span></h3><p><span>Want to make this year your best yet? Connect with <a href=",1,TILZxmcSOQh3g5kpYVUJFZjFPUpbPbJlCmsLTBZ5CUQuOUvXVfKtfktsgMLHR3RdIlagCPygozgLCKacjTDq3io_KR50EKpbmy0-BOEOKTSoXzfd6_dh7SmD--E,&typo=1" title=""><span>Thrive</span></a>, VIU’s home for all things wellness! Follow us on <a href=",1,c6vjuqhl94zj-LNG9JTNQNYoZjQy2jt4QA1F_LIYF_9yI5Ka5IyI3bUi9lxwhddv9pmZjcTuCOJPiq_l8p887krlOE90Vj_jED7lM71G&typo=1"><span>Facebook</span></a>,<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,QItkwre7ebBcBlYo8I0gty9nWcnMy5Qj6Jsqia3hhFXqrRX1D6cpa4pPQUluxve1X-g8f3rvwSsZyjfvIb0GPBruYoCbYmhqkiiYJ5x8_695Fhn8m1X_0AaW_Q,,&typo=1"><span>Instagram</span></a>, the CCR app or the VIUSU app to stay up to date on our great Fall programming!<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Talk to Me </strong></span><span>🗣</span></h3><p><span>Are you looking to get connected on campus? The Talk to Me program is a campaign to create a more connected VIU culture.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,DKquDu8ksK9GVvVKNLIVpI59oG_SFH8shBJIvLtE4m6SyIIwZGAFTAywjlEali4ugWzd0rJ3rhVW5jXj4RFgjW7RKFUqabd_qwFIVc8PwVk,&typo=1"><span>Check our website out</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>for more information, and follow us on <a href=",1,1Fk9pXc-_Fl2aLlANojjNTLJChowcVHEkFMhfQNZqn1eVt1kErYorymFP9NCGZBYv8HPMmQcJZrUkMeTPXzkhFuKqO4N-2jx4PJRcL2JS6fAcHE,&typo=1" title=""><span>Facebook</span></a> for details on all our upcoming events!<br><strong></strong></span></p><h3><span><strong>Info on upgrading </strong></span><span>✏️📚</span></h3><p><span>Free tuition? Multiple intake periods throughout the year? The ability to simultaneously upgrade courses while pursuing your university degree? Here are<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,X0hfPDHH64CIeywaYjUa9_i6ythQUa2kDWOE83cWIl7fiw29D73Mj1AymkfJYt3Lh_FIVu4zVvJWxghEpFuI7w-juJoflytgK-d0TKqJ6xA4Xc7uNn7mlQ,,&typo=1"><span>5 things you may not know about VIU’s Adult Basic Education program</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>on the #VIUBlog.<br></span></p><h3><span><strong>Get a head start with the Student Technology Guide </strong></span><span>📲</span></h3><p><span>Wondering how to access a loaner laptop? What software programs are available free for VIU students? Where to go if you need help? There is one place that offers answers to all things technology-related at VIU – The<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,hsQdOqF0mHyKoS5QTw2r_DXCYkd8cIelzvsur9v9vJrx7cdTFPoSPZCBK1dVApZACvYExElFYeOxGJzA6q94pFyP5NVv4Zs0SmttWNMFvnvZCA,,&typo=1"><span>Student Technology Guide</span></a>!</span></p><h2>COVID updates</h2><h3><span><strong>A plan to keep us all healthy </strong></span></h3><p><span>VIU is pleased to share our<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,H8s8BvxPSTV8b2QsyGpkJlM07a9RLK9rWOkatt8SkWNVlFBiMgP81f3zgm8AcaytqAYdqwb9XBJJBj5dQLj92JMv6aEF6oQHODG8837pjj4_w-FWH6w,&typo=1"><span>Communicable Diseases Plan</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>– the next step in protecting our community as we adapt to living with COVID-19, as we do with other manageable seasonal illnesses. Key elements of the plan that will continue to protect all of us include: supporting students to stay home when sick; regular hand washing; and covering your sneeze and cough. This plan aligns with the provincial<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,nfGBvjT3fRgV8sxYhhN8LE6rRcFuT290DmLHEaPGitU1XtGP2uDz_a46ZuC6Q-yFS6GuObtyPx5Kj__BHFt3IaKII2Ib9CPDnJzQsQCp_A,,&typo=1"><span>Return-to-Campus Guidelines</span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>and<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,f__DoIe7JTBoMpLGmPapMBIy_6hEs3W9-0zwdPYsxdL73FaPIi7qNArwXt1WZgwEavxbBSEQDSdGj19fd5rkNgR0DLgGZdWLhTc0QlXZD7M,&typo=1"><span>BC’s Restart Plan</span></a>.</span></p><h3><span><strong>Were you vaccinated outside of BC? </strong></span><span>💉</span></h3><p><span>Island Health wants anyone who received COVID-19 vaccines in another province or country to submit their vaccination record. This is particularly important for international students, as additional vaccination may be recommended. Do this as soon as possible.<br><strong>1. Register online:</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,p10TqfqoryvrOExcrhggwhZn3KjzfJ4tynFhU6QMc886koIhh57oOhIci3yOVx-j6_9GPkg_RyuvpfCpO8iKcnMuC8OaB-6fpT_C5xwbny7tL8e8p-i4&typo=1"><span></span></a><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>or by phone at 1-833- 838-2323.<br><strong>2. Submit your official vaccination record</strong><span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>at<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span><a href=",1,KqY3E9KWhPC6SolbNnxEpwqK2RHZLr4UMshzSBOaLMW68UNOXhN6zd-pkHA5dQ9NiMyHb-0xo_aCt5ihgir4Zfc2tCeb9XqdrsTsNsF-TafTeZZVXKXB7Bc,&typo=1"><span></span></a>.<br><strong>3. Be notified<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></strong>about COVID-19 vaccination needs.</span></p></body>\n </html> """ "summary" => null "format" => "basic_html" ] ] "field_blog_author" => [] "field_blog_author_link" => [] "field_blog_sub_heading" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "Connect Fair Festival, food on campus, COVID protocols for fall and more\u{A0}👀" ] ] "field_display_image_below_header" => [] "field_hero_format" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "short_image" ] ] "field_hero_image_media" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "252" "entity" => array:23 [ "mid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "252" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "c217cb34-01c3-4de7-a94e-6fef4ca895fd" ] ] "vid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "223" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "bundle" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:14 [ "uuid" => "63d3472d-3317-492d-98b3-b0caf304e34e" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => array:1 [ "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "crop" ] ] "third_party_settings" => array:1 [ "crop" => array:1 [ "image_field" => "_none" ] ] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "FnuLezDbmiD87VTFx3nJPWqbCHqRHJXQs7WfUtIbsIw" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "Use local images for reusable media." 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