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For information about activities and locations requiring proof of vaccination at VIU, <a href=",1,cO4aOiOXoZRO-lJe12_YmlbhYYQ1yWkQimxxQ3Br0HfvQV8xsjDw2PLL3K5pxaNxGuxhUk1e3qOf16pGvLvYx4y6N6x8Pkyu4SO12scwfCEtJZafYBdXYw,,&typo=1" target="_blank">read this post</a>. <strong>Please note – you do not need to show BC’s proof of vaccination to go to classes. </strong></p><p>For international or out-of-province students, <a href=",1,_mO1EkPhku0DCLTJlIKcMz_Fm6tGmmDXOnu4OpJFy0zBugJq2J4nAUh3lMRTzg6eiudmZsrIu-n35SrtC_t_GIrG-L4GaDDWcaMAa0HT60VXNEITBiYqS1eVf6I,&typo=1" target="_blank">read these instructions</a> that walk you through how to get your BC vaccine card.</p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><strong>Study spots on the Nanaimo campus </strong>📚</h3><p>Looking for a quiet place to study? We have some <a href=",1,Za4t9HBgFUT1NTWgKcfkgHFkRo7eHH6eEFHye3T-m5Qza4qnQYObMojuuB2ss1jHesLvW4-4AyTB0NY_MseVMtkb5nLDJ1kVIKtQ_w_yMCt0orle&typo=1" target="_blank">recommended spots to check out</a>, especially if you need to take in a Zoom lecture! </p><h3><strong>Vaccine survey results</strong></h3><p>Thank you to everyone who participated in VIU's confidential survey asking students and employees about their vaccination status. <a href=",1,4tX_nI8OS97a3azaYDvhbiF1B_BQvxtAgrPicWs2x21v8-WH0acOdnZWhTWLbsqcrR4jrYcAepQZWGewAdVb-gyapLhRWtnf9kS-aYA7VYVoNkss6Fe3Lg,,&typo=1" target="_blank">View the results</a>. </p><h3><strong>Vaccine clinics on campus </strong>💉</h3><p>To support people in getting their vaccines, there will be a vaccine clinic on the first floor of Building 255 in the multi-purpose room (170) from September 8 - 23, 10 am - 2 pm, Monday to Thursday. We are working on confirming clinics for our other campuses. </p><h3><strong>Looking for a campus job this fall? </strong>💰</h3><p>The fall and spring work-op job postings are now available for viewing on <a href=",1,VwxzCqVpjr34bdB2A7ulVbSqNKjPEeTKI585z2fa2I4oDtm-uJALkDbTJykEDJ7TOPtIX2C9vqbW9kK20B2b6fHfyBiGoOqlkDnpRoPoR-_L2R-qL-U,&typo=1" target="_blank">CareerVIU</a>. Go to the Students & Alumni section and log in using your Registration student number and PIN then select On-Campus Employment for work-op postings. All students who are registered in nine credits or more and have a valid Social Insurance Number are eligible for work-op positions. Follow the instructions in the posting for how to apply. All work-op positions are part of <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href=",1,L2oyY1cTLrfdChvykFxy2AiOAtbueQWYOr5aahlsDiALwOhenkujSxCGYymOlVZdW7qsfGY2743iKZI8EfxiTIvSn6foixnUK2deldaz_6PcvpS2&typo=1" target="_blank">the Co-Curricular Record Opportunity Directory!</a></span> Check out the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href=",1,me3lbWN7uBWndQci_GTBipiSxPiK5ha0sulhyfA5tq17Bk9pOwtTc1Wm9HRrcm6LUro5xbkqquMisuivhLLIV8KMInypEFKBMiPGpFvKc8DE2gAKu9QH&typo=1" target="_blank">Campus Student Employment</a></span> or Co-Curricular Record webpages to find out what this means for you. </p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><strong>Graduate Programs Expo </strong></h3><p>Are you thinking about Graduate studies but need a little more information? Have a look at the recent blog post <a href=",1,jX7IRor6LROEOIVQa4BwLirPkLvJSzKAuJmyRj9ydQ6JTExU1HbwjFKhZbjVNhO_xxYpyQDlCouQrZ0ubiiF6AHy5DdgzJeIF8BQYBcZUB2QZH1Mww86ql4P7ELY&typo=1">Your top questions about graduate school, answered</a>. Be sure to register for the virtual VIU Graduate Programs Expo on September 15 to engage with faculty in each of our grad programs. <a href=",1,fTcDwZBsJnx2j7dnBfebYoVe5riU5KUjiSFVFOaxro7eG23YvK8PjR7PTpYiWvcAqWbXMsJCnd2984dExlb5TgxvLBhu0CeTPwe0ensXNSgghiPM1MY,&typo=1">Register for the event</a>.</p><h3><strong>VIU Wayfinding Survey </strong>📱</h3><p>Have you struggled with finding your way on campus? Share your thoughts and win a prize! VIU is developing a new comprehensive and accessible wayfinding signage system. Fill out <a href=",1,-kUSLZqzioQQRn-n3xnKAyecHyzTzszWlh-meuqZTokOPW2aYtdXbaXJAD8MXnkrrgvz_M89hDGB8C2eWjK2Vo0mXWI8ZVxpFDHR6dUyF_dAOHJJWWvG_L67-1nq&typo=1">a short survey</a> to let us know how we can improve your campus experience for the chance to win a $50 Campus Store gift card!</p><h3><strong>Access & inclusion awards </strong>🏆</h3><p>Do you know a professor or VIU staff member who has been working hard to improve access and inclusion on campus and in the classroom? Consider nominating them for a President’s Award for Enhancing Access and Inclusion, or a President’s Award for Excellence in Inclusive Education. <a href=",1,62L6-fyVinvrTSV-iXD6tXHIk376-eQurzgYdphS9Y4uxLZ2AVvlz9Kkge6GJ_cE_BwL5HjLoT-CV7jA01lQj0dp9gxsaxPsDr6_TKzR6AsE9R6P9_w1fT3_Yh0,&typo=1">Nomination forms</a> are due by end of day September 22. <a href=",1,gxQvdE6iDYCMm1vmN4HY4WDBEVpVZjAEvq0c98330GHFEfRjoeiHJ_6qdhq_NgvaeGa5COL5CcCCy8wkUhxxHP_EZpZZq0k9UdPMwg3ZOQ4,&typo=1">Learn more</a>.</p><h3><strong>Building Resilience virtual speed mentoring </strong></h3><p>The Women in Communications and Technology and Discovery Foundation are hosting a speed mentoring event to help them develop resilience skills and cope with challenges. The event takes place on Tuesday, September 21 from 6 - 8 pm. <a href=",1,Tpe5ngzMVwzW4NnmSV-3wQqaPD21tCQM9rhu1d-JceFm3dE3fCpbwxQiDNFZX9MBP_3x4pJgEkLTZFFBlxPM5ouf_70gvVCYPeq35HaL-r9QURo,&typo=1">Register via Eventbrite</a>. Email <a href=""></a> and a free code will be provided.</p><h3><strong>All Nations Feast: September 16, 2021 </strong></h3><p>The Office of Indigenous Education and Engagement would like to invite you to come, witness and be a part of this traditional welcome for our Indigenous students, taking place at Shq’apthut, Building 170 at the Nanaimo campus. This feast provides an opportunity for representatives from our four Nations on Vancouver Island (Kwakwaka'wakw, Nuu chah nulth, Coast Salish and Métis) to provide a traditional welcome. <a href=",1,twvMUjwVAKRyIZhL7HRe6cOR7XcekwqWT2viQE0P3eK_Q9_XUuKDWNyDFkpqIVIb_ovTaVpGkRj08vnY4pEmV-pMMmq5fpphC_19N9rjLM9mQ7fp&typo=1">More info</a>. </p><h3><strong>Student Life Fall Activity Guide now out </strong>🍂</h3><p>From outdoor adventures like waterfall hikes, surfing, trail running and white-water kayaking, to indoor fitness classes, intramurals, tournaments and other special events like paintball and escape room challenges, Mariners Athletics and Recreation has <a href=",1,ofGF4tDdk45JaJdnQS0eZnZ25mkQrUZWH4F12jsNA6XL7SY6azFbf3Z9O0SdZCxahBYUN7PscSQaDnBsR3EUbqy1OXRw2BMNY4IhpwcLgjGsuwyCe_oRWZ5s&typo=1">lots of activities to keep you moving</a>. As a result of the recent public health announcements, registration for fall programs opens on September 13 at 9 am.</p><h3><strong>#IsNotYes Campaign</strong></h3><p>The BC government has launched “… Is Not Yes”, a campaign designed to increase awareness about sexual violence prevention, consent and supports on BC campuses. Students can access learning resources, advice and supports at <a href=",1,zrHOgBDWzuG2KMlPF0vC7YKMPspRWkGgrcLRDVoBaIBg3SpXupmtIuRkz_jGCM7xvo0E5Yqh7YYybdiopomdOwhS3Ljv95XV_wxZ8RatFwg,&typo=1"></a>. Dealing with an experience of sexual violence is different for everyone. Know that you are not alone and we are here to support you. Learn about <a href=",1,nKBD6TXo8MVLioCK3utpjtY9m-HQmRdmFVwWESldhA_FgLRbsQ7r0fe18ZSoKg-_ErHX6XIblAESreMoOUgSH2v3GSpPp_3fcUd1PXRspjVHevbV52DtSyQ,&typo=1">VIU supports.</a></p><h3><strong>Toxic Drugs are Circulating Campaign</strong></h3><p>Knocking down the walls of silence that keep people from talking about substance use is an important step towards addressing the overdose crisis in British Columbia. The BC government has launched the Toxic Drugs are Circulating Campaign to ensure that students are safe and have access to information and supports. Learn more on the <a href=",1,47LhfKJD3p_orPjSkUJutKzDCXMAC-csyRIvpDqkbHO6NVOlTWVDbu2uLyBqJ6uymHD3IVkJa0qrTL1xhB1dPEQ6LKYDGGsT6lMq6Z7g_GbUmefF&typo=1">Stop Overdose BC website.</a></p><h2>Supports and services</h2><p><strong>New library space now open</strong><strong> </strong>📚<br> The Nanaimo campus library is happy to show off its <a href=",1,mFhB0Xogf4T5sWPizYakyk4HLJ1loABoRMe-7JKvTjQ7u1ZIwTXO5CPcBTsCYR8Wo59yropHZaz0IMfYYj1f9VcxtpUmjH9Zpm402aivXJHqzvpZpH1Nsg,,&typo=1">freshly renovated third floor spaces</a>, including a new 2SLGBTQ+ and breastfeeding friendly Family Space complete with a <a href=",1,VHTZRXZCVS8PKSPd7hMf21RHRFT25JfWH7TIGObtY7xMBmTy15yy2paZEp6L7jCfcJt2QycB5ywDXnKh4aUi78nLnuaUhOiItMYgbvjqxw,,&typo=1">book collection</a> from Vancouver Island Regional Library. Don’t forget to set up your <a href=",1,qjDiPF1FbQIFg4fGNnKX_cbyIdSTrImYJGYc065H_09ybblnF8L-AM_t8be0ciwzPWGC24nWmJTrzTy5tAuj4fCzRIe8s9w-BcZKWEKTlNypJvAPjgg,&typo=1" title="">VIU ID card</a> to get 24-7 access to the library as well as other perks like printing and photocopying! Find us on social media <a href=",1,WSOW-tegGu8C83cALoeMkqn9BUgsN5QkeDgHgZF7fRNR7X84UuVnMueFIIgZlS4ZXqZ7BJvmpPrnxqBq-s-RnECX09nVYjdXHXBnRE9ntTmKEa2mJ8Lr&typo=1" title="">@VIULibrary.</a></p><h3><strong>Accessibility Services info</strong></h3><p>If you are a student with a disability (learning disability, mental health, ADHD, physical, hearing/vision loss, chronic health, etc.) and the symptoms impact your learning, please <a href=",1,BxKJZqAURwyB4m1Eb11asVHvCkbHrzZIfUe1sTQEOSjocDLms86AS77vOSH6phmfTQw6FmdkhyXiZzB_iL15FgKmi1RMUnHODhEST8jI&typo=1">reach out to Accessibility Services</a>. You may be eligible for <a href=",1,Qc8s40YdM8zNuDSOz-R41-0gS1Eo6Eb-xNezlDj39UI9LxAT60R6p5V1IPGtuz3cG3eeHweU52bDdBz2AUrCmVUpGZ_CzFU4onIjt2JfZTYr&typo=1">academic accommodations</a> to reduce the barriers caused by your condition. </p><h3><strong>Student Affairs extended hours </strong>⌚️</h3><p>Student Affairs is pleased to offer both extended hours and virtual hours this fall to meet the diverse needs of students. Effective September 7, 2021, extended hours of service will be available to students at the Nanaimo campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 6:30 pm in: Financial Aid, Counselling, Accessibility Services and the Student Health Clinic. <a href=",1,3wviQf-gWz5Mh31t6mBjK1XUZZa7OUgISvt1-LYRXOP14y20TAuk_TKJbG8rqTrP4rLxUbyjwI1eiYCO4BGrEM__eoK0qyzH6lYExtgmA8lkRzBDgi9pkozItc4,&typo=1">View the details here.</a></p><h3><strong>Questions about off-campus housing? </strong>🏠</h3><p>Are you looking for a new housing arrangement and don’t know where to start? Reach out to Michael, in VIU’s Homestay and Off-Campus Housing team, at <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" title=""></a></span> for tips and advice, including how to avoid scams and best places to search.</p><h3><strong>Accessible Nanaimo campus map now available </strong></h3><p>Our new campus map is now printed and available for pickup at the Welcome Centre (Bldg 300)! The map provides information on how steep paths are and where people can travel without encountering stairs. Many hundreds of hours went into its creation and design. A big shout out to Matt Jamont, Cliff Feng, Zach Lamoureux and Becky Thiessen for their hard work and creativity. Check out the <a href=",1,1bIGWExKxSE01EwA77GqG6JVAy5dZiNFQJSYm5Qm6Bgk7Tu9NIY1ZBr99T3Jo6Ob1rYmYeVrGRBitQTTVYA44L0nyYzOqmPW0iXYP_vJh0zfGN3le9tkq0ECBA,,&typo=1">Universal Access website</a> to find downloadable Stair-free Building-to-Building routes, our Interactive Web Map, and more.</p><h3><strong>Thrive: VIU’s wellness program </strong>✅</h3><p>Want to make this year your best yet? Connect with <a href=",1,Wkc3bMVabP2unwyYX8P4Ew1RhJy7JHZbGwFnw4FVJcmAK1BuntYSBbg_89HpRWrM5S-SCtq_3-QOC9BVGfYW1akJQQb9uRyFFMpZkexVZg,,&typo=1">Thrive</a>, VIU’s home for all things wellness! Follow us on <a href=",1,ztXBr-Ny_27a0KQEQXVW_nIcsc46z4T8TxhicMIyEv1prFYlEQQ7T5oG_anUgNhuZcQKurpyKcF7gcLx3LzQu-hbibBdTUWxbE9Pt7hgZ3WqryrG5KzR-CRong,,&typo=1">Facebook</a> or <a href=",1,iEK0D_sAiXML3ughubmLJn0ZoQ7lXhOItNVS9-8XuhHYPxIDzUjZdPKIcEYZ9wNa06kcIXoxqjZUhXrWUrrWH12UzaUvskQh4fWmFsMdYynoBo7l7fCMN4o,&typo=1">Instagram</a> to stay up to date on all our great fall programming!</p><h3><strong>Talk to Me </strong>😀</h3><p>Are you looking to get connected on campus? The Talk to Me program is a campaign to create a more connected VIU culture. <a href=",1,EhQ4S2qW4cz58DwG_oK2IT6KE5-eQ5djugTqVxvoEqOpPg5KM1u_Vk3daXaUhEIRkkwSh12Q5mTfSurmPFPhcrXoavzmCfvVRn96DtJcr9EQKyxsTgjnGdZGvW8,&typo=1">Check our website out</a> for more information, and follow us on <a href=",1,X35iGwD_Ymw4JjFgsfFR7MetbZI3uyNrQAPg6H2mkWyrNqcECk8NCf19iTJg0vBsdpetAyR_RkKRQCoTftSz6gLndYzQuRSmLEa74YSl&typo=1" title="">Facebook</a> for details on all our upcoming events!</p><h3><strong>VIU Cowichan Learning Centre and Writing Centre </strong>✏️</h3><p>Are you a VIU Cowichan student looking for some extra academic support? You can find it through <a href=",1,6tKPsxEMcDcH3J17SzEXG4lWNH-rF5S3P5ljZ6FG0XepEEiR57ldb1kZUy30c83tD1nTR5iDcf0p3lHJAfbeXqxsMTic9NdnlHdVMTn3wgYRAyG1mNgNZ8M,&typo=1">The Learning Centre</a> or <a href=",1,eKyzWLxlsBgQyJLvE5D7KjD5S5mXbZz3Mm5HeBZH-DtzpuanWfzg3xUowFRRlqBpbbNXgLkRJ7Iy-qQzoBMxOCLr9jqKOqNAwPxHA_UKbAYnGQ,,&typo=1">The Writing Centre</a>.</p><h3><strong>Volunteer Tutor program</strong></h3><p>Volunteer Tutors are screened, trained and ready to offer support to students who request extra help with their studies. This <strong>free</strong> one-on-one help is available for most courses. Tutor request forms can be found <a href=",1,7dNwDQges3AaHa78NVuwSktAiqPxKrauWXzV_tLOdkzRG80c2eQ0NBY5KffynHYZBb1jW20gGoeBl67RnhWRvSOFX8SKd7YWnKgJtxwsPR4,&typo=1">here.</a></p><h3><strong>Connect with an Education Advisor</strong></h3><p><a href=",1,HnOoXYSA5kwmSN0EkzAGF68ZgUe15u32Nvk0bkdZMoedd_Cn275n_AYfdByy7REK7YK8wqVMwZXal1-hHOB8tuJmOyl_16fOpknmQSmaVxW1MQ,,&typo=1">Education Advisors</a> are available for face-to-face drop-in appointments on Nanaimo’s campus, Building 200, Zoom drop-ins, by emailing <a href=""></a> or calling 1-888-920-2221 Ext. 6410. Check out the <a href=",1,jgGBXReEEdAg_rPRbmHMkofqENyUYXJR6wlLQ2WLx19-ApqwN1pRAg-MTHw8rqYHi0ArnvGEYx-z2AazZV3Z9b6qOgvIROYwfnFzwub2WesRXSjc&typo=1">Fresh Start Rule Refresher</a> for helpful tips on waitlist procedures, dropping courses and more.</p><h2>COVID-19 updates</h2><h3><strong>Mask Protocol FAQ </strong>😷</h3><p>Do you have questions about the mask mandate introduced last week by the Public Health Office for all indoor public spaces on campus, including lobbies, hallways, stairwells, elevators, classrooms and labs? We have answers. <a href=",1,-EFI0_FgkRQh7pzSNN9kPOxmgltO7knW6Zxpfna3ZONbZU2XUFFuEsvhY19cAGMfGeSiiITsFhWrmXNo_rGeev9lKJph5RYQ_EauRzRPKq84jJ4lmOX5y5CHZfHN&typo=1" target="_blank">View our mask protocol and FAQs</a>.</p></body>\n </html> """ "summary" => null "format" => "basic_html" ] ] "field_blog_author" => [] "field_blog_author_link" => [] "field_blog_sub_heading" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "Proof of vaccination, quiet study spaces, vaccine clinics & more\u{A0}🍂" ] ] "field_display_image_below_header" => [] "field_hero_format" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "short_image" ] ] "field_hero_image_media" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "267" "entity" => array:23 [ "mid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "267" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "fe266f01-2f03-4226-b81d-f988690488cb" ] ] "vid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "245" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "bundle" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:14 [ "uuid" => "63d3472d-3317-492d-98b3-b0caf304e34e" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => array:1 [ "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "crop" ] ] "third_party_settings" => array:1 [ "crop" => array:1 [ "image_field" => "_none" ] ] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "FnuLezDbmiD87VTFx3nJPWqbCHqRHJXQs7WfUtIbsIw" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "Use local images for reusable media." 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