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Check out the Nanaimo campus quad after dark, lit up for all to enjoy after Light It Up VIU happened last week.</p><h2>Need to know</h2><h3><strong>Don’t miss your chance to win an iPad, AirPods or gift cards! </strong>💰</h3><p>We want to hear from you about your experiences at VIU – what is working, what could be improved and how to create the best-possible learning environment here. Complete the Student Success Survey for your chance to win an iPad, Apple AirPods or $100 gift cards to the Campus Store. Click on the individualized link in the email you received on November 24 from <a href=""></a> to complete the survey by December 5. </p><h3><strong>Magic show at the pub </strong>✨</h3><p>The last event in the VIU Students’ Union’s Stressbuster series is a <a href=",1,1ZoYzdtiajmVMMYSK0Oi3CY3pcJtvyH3-gCNpBp6wNKNL1P51mDM_R89BPZirwqAlPGuv5XB3xGTjN6IVKXLaIpcwxa4prYnAKdm88korCgcKCNiep0wFhbfndt0&typo=1">magic show with Craig McKee</a> at the VIUSU pub tonight (December 1) starting at 7:30 pm. Must be 19+, with government issued ID and vaccine passport. Doors open at 7 pm and show starts at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $10 for students, $12 for employees and $15 general admission.</p><h3><strong>Milner Christmas Magic </strong>🎅⛄️❄️</h3><p>The annual outdoor light festival, Milner Christmas Magic, runs Fridays to Sundays during the first three weeks of December – Dec. 3-5, 10-12 and 17-19 – from 5-8 pm, with viewing up until 8:30 pm. Admission is by a suggested donation of $5 for adults, $2.50 for children and $12 for a family (two adults and up to three children under 19 years). For more information visit the <a href=",1,MyIU0scMgwlh4-uyNZjSEYag3FVzmKEDEJ7fm44i8uw7yxQcL_yvmqA_WnDGYXZlBA3f9gmDxGqzyUzSHfvmA5hBW-mzhl0vAhvARGuK&typo=1">Milner Gardens & Woodland website</a>.</p><h2>Connect</h2><h3><strong>Student Creative Christmas Contest </strong>✏️</h3><p>Calling all students looking for a humour-filled distraction! The Office of Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity’s second annual Creative Christmas Contest is underway. Challenge your MadLib skills, with two prize packs up for grabs. Deadline for submissions is December 10. <a href=",1,eNVxsUSfeRINAGfRijeaxA_13X6GdQoQZWDlBOjpPFevXSHmyQ5iLXgSveSN1GahuNJY1BH52GyiwHZvwMel_MTfZY9EqY7FItAx2iW4_NJlGV49PlhIIKJXH6Y,&typo=1">Learn more</a>. </p><h3><strong>Hum</strong><strong>an Rights Day </strong></h3><p>The VIU Students’ Union is shining some light on the topic of sex trafficking on Human Rights Day (December 10). This workshop, featuring Certified Sexual Health Educator Kerri Isham, will explore the definition of sex trafficking, who is trafficking who, luring tactics used, recruitment, barriers to exiting and resources. <a href=",1,v7S0afp79e31a4TDl81TTzu0xkrqH6CnjOp8tQK0TSyuK3AryySpQHeYGagaxIzWTbS1hUkIULVMO726lt4yYNZOVNCXE6ekypQYyZcjL0JYlF1xNubd29E,&typo=1">Register online</a> or on the VIUSU app.</p><h3><strong>Music Term End Concerts </strong>🎼</h3><p>VIU’s Music Department presents its term end concerts on December 1 and 2, 7 pm, at Malaspina Theatre. Dec.1 features the jazz choir, VIU singers and big band. Dec. 2 features the faculty band and The Skye Douglas Project, with proceeds going to help the victims of flooding in Abbotsford BC. Entrance by donation. Proof of vaccination required for admittance.</p><h3><strong>Vigil to honour and remember women of École Polytechnique massacre </strong></h3><p>On December 6, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a vigil is being held at Malaspina Theatre lobby, starting at 10 am, to honour and remember the 14 young women who were murdered in the 1989 massacre at École Polytechnique. After speeches, attendees will proceed to the Jardin des Quatorze, located near Building 460, for a vigil and moment of silence.</p><h3><strong>Westwood Witch Paddle </strong>🧙</h3><p>Did you attend the witch paddle on October 31? Check out the <a href=",1,co5yCmEBRESN0hLY-JlhmgHh3uNtrcGhYPeKIX5rnYcm9pvHDVlWMDxcX5yo1IKf9535leZlWIUe_DsaDfkuNZgjQh3SLlks5thr-Ghd7H6yuGRS3GxlrD3vZiL3&typo=1">VIUSU photo album on Facebook</a>. Feel free to re-share any you like, with photo credit to VIU graduate Alex Harte.</p><h3><strong>Countdown to Shutdown </strong>💡</h3><p>Counting the days to winter break? Keep track and have a little energy avoidance fun! It’s easy to play!</p><ul><li><a href=",1,RpMT8eFepdZRnVdUjsnBiSBmFnL2rguam1fiTtu7t_LMCBpooIGn0SHSlXtRQiyx6juBhIoupcf5kUMeQ_ChJc4xuc5kGaYHnoedQGfThlO-4q0Af93JUpS2f9ZR&typo=1">Visit the countdown calendar</a> for daily energy-avoiding tips;</li><li>Tell us how you did; and</li><li>Be entered to win some nifty prizes! </li></ul><h3><strong>Holiday Shutdown Checklist </strong>✔️</h3><p>Do you live in Residence or a place you’ll be leaving for an extended break? <a href=",1,yOxEKeGC6E5zerZIMoSebjTSZRDg3SJbXyKcU5oUc-mazNhTISpI2PDnuN4pxrWbUtzqmwaAO8_CDPmwHCjsvrwPSUfibti9rAo9a6CX0kEp&typo=1">Fill out this Google form</a> to see how much energy you can save by assessing what can be switched off, unplugged or turned down. Besides helping the environment, you could win prizes for participating.</p><h3><strong>Used coat drive </strong>🧥</h3><p>Donate your gently used coats, hats, gloves and socks at the Youth 20/20 Can's Coats for Christmas event and give the gift of warmth to community members who are homeless! Donations will be accepted on December 10 from 3-7 pm and December 11 from 11-3 pm at Maffeo Sutton Park Lions Pavilion. For more information call Gwen at 250-667-1803.</p><h3><strong>Model Senate – call for participants </strong>🍁</h3><p>The Senate of Canada is planning the next edition of the <a href=",1,FN6qQy3B-BEkRXQxltndfs6N5MOYksII_N6N4dwDxeKxWz6CRZgsuMTIYsWmRCmRK6CjpZiQsVh1VeN8kikUFiLhPNHcg2locTlkqMNWUTjza1MeROc,&typo=1">Model Senate</a>, which will take place virtually on <strong>February 18 and 19, 2022</strong>. This is a unique opportunity for you to learn more about the Upper Chamber and acquire new skills. Students across Canada are invited to <a href=",1,PIUT_wQKvJVIHUdUdMQlnPLAm5LmoiAUe56oZgg0y_XxMm6Xtn_Zt9hHv0m1nvuqgFhIIzXJ5EqXR2n4rjLiXDt-QfVU98uSWRaXbEf44Kar6kwrJT5INC4Qbnic&typo=1">apply by December 13</a>.</p><h3><strong>Science Exposed </strong>💰</h3><p>All individuals or groups who carry out research in the public or private sectors in Canada can submit an eye-catchig research image to the <a href=",1,vk22zvlvYDNefpikytGjUZhwdYTmmP86o4zDg9xRiFS5fICzD-SFUuNXb1tmYx5DBBOudovzGKKPYWXysrzMiOH25yxRiu0BFZw_XyXewpg,&typo=1">Science Exposed</a> contest. The individuals or groups that have the most successfully combined creativity and science will be awarded one of the many cash prizes. The contest is organized by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Acfas.</p><h2>Supports and services</h2><h3><strong>Campus wayfinding survey results </strong>⬅️⬆️</h3><p><br> Campus Development would like to thank the almost 500 people who took the time to respond to the wayfinding survey this fall. Curious about what people said and what improvements the department will focus on next? <a href=",1,4U15VmGPFNG2ceU4PJ6GaNcd8oyg5u0xWg3jcrMNs5kimf2luJgHM2pYdRN-H9rTmwwncapJA6Fbas6JaLhUTgDHVLFbxLEtYkmg5mONHTDClL3lervr&typo=1">Read more here</a>.</p><h3><strong>Academic Plan roundtable </strong></h3><p>On December 7 and 8 the Academic Plan Advisory Group will be hosting a series of online and in-person roundtables on the new Academic Plan goals, objectives and strategies. Each roundtable will focus on a pair of goals. You can attend as many sessions as you like. This is your opportunity to discuss the goals and provide feedback. <a href=",1,YDtRvHgjksCXEKiW5UI10VLNAcBudKhHJQMcWkbxpYAK7oLBIFfYuDVhRfMMQf26i8TBc9g2uzhXu1bIgNFiVvm_EnOu17dYFi20ZQ9_&typo=1" title="">Learn more and register </a>for discussions about the goals that most intrigue you.</p><h3><strong>Take a Wellness Break</strong><strong> </strong>🧠</h3><p>You’ve almost made it! It’s almost the last week of classes and as you cram for exams and finish off papers, you probably need a break! Stop by the Nanaimo campus quad on Dec 8 and 9 for hot drinks, resources, connection and more! All details can be found at <a href=",1,Dw_H82j4r6DACVqY025XGSjHiO6yShyrLNVKKGoYfC-tgjzE93XV1gtO0wrRUplLqiPFyydKaDjFKLzwr0oK384BsZMfRswJokryXWREpLqPBQYUJw,,&typo=1">Pop-Up Wellness Days</a>.</p><h3><strong>Roommates required! </strong>🙋\u{200D}♀️</h3><p>New international and domestic students will be heading to Nanaimo over the next month and many will be looking for somewhere to live. We all know the rental market shortage is an ongoing issue and we are always trying to get creative for our students. So, if you have a spare room in your house (or know someone who does), and some extra income would be handy, sharing with a roommate could be a great solution for everyone. If you’d like to know more about rights, responsibilities and contracts, <a href=",1,gYcP4evVEoIKc7Vw5VfMb-oDN-c5JdBUP70Sqr9klMe5IxMKP9Cewj13CDdVqOHVSRsDfD7Qf-hwl6W8ImCbIPuC_8_g39rSGjAc634rHSx7jjejIA,,&typo=1" title="">Renting It Right</a> offers lots of advice. If you’re ready to take in a roommate, the <a href=",1,xTEGXqjdTHtVy3trPNe7R6l7unRZ2Y_3tzMoxU7iBRHE3jK_dCkCLygAJ1-kkmoysg7MjNQ6weT68gnUM7-R6KXd_lFXTxl3d4kJfBePvKcFeXwIVCOp_a478cU,&typo=1" title="">VIUSU app</a> and <a href=",1,YraB475uHWS-mrfgBBaXF2v4Ta9hlCQiV6_oFCXzx-dTfS98DEn7jU7w9BVSo7hZWs7JlR_VPZYDEx8wT18ANCT87S3S5-8BfInvhqFK9g,,&typo=1" title="">Places4Students</a> are great places to advertise. Contact Michael at <a href="" title=""></a> about sharing with roommates and any other off-campus housing questions.</p><h3><strong>Who are Educational Advisors and what do they do? </strong></h3><p>Great question! To find out, review <a href=",1,21HrY_BEZ6Goluebo3aGTydVwZTkzCVsVcqhPT2mKPttZzoFkDKVAd0oZ2Yd4Zq2op8dQZ_9L3msagpqmrEDXgc5KRfOExX6GImxGILFslxuWBhiMbY,&typo=1" title="">Why Connect with Advising</a>. Connect early and connect often. <a href=",1,KuQW-P7H88VC2_wf18HlbCJZRTsARKKim0W6Etf4uASx7WMxxibVMod6ZzN5Jy7CIVdiTNFDGZ--_F2wgk-j86tA33AsPvb-T91TRSLKksRR&typo=1" title="">Connect with an Advisor</a> by phone, email, Zoom and in-person.</p><h3><strong>Chec</strong><strong>k out the family space in the library! </strong>📖</h3><p>One of our top 10 favourite things about the Nanaimo campus library is the <a href=",1,OnRlQwer5m9NPaLHLvjifjuOJu4iWddJRYyOUp-wh-1-hgnOkKX97B9T7pLGKym5Qrqkcf69FOnF8F1z3g-VynQp00TsztjD3dUTUtH5&typo=1">new family space</a>. This spacious room on the third floor includes a children’s book collection from the Vancouver Island Regional Library, is 2SLGBTQ+ and chest-feeding friendly, has a gender inclusive washroom, and boasts a gorgeous mural from Snuneymuxw artist Eliot White-Hill. There are also four computer workstations and both adult- and child-sized furniture.</p><h3><strong>Looking for work? </strong></h3><p>Did you know that VIU has its very own online job-posting board? CareerVIU is available to all VIU students and alumni. With more than 3,000 employers registered, a variety of new opportunities are posted daily. Registering for CareerVIU is quick and easy – all you need is your Student Record System username and password! Learn more by visiting <a href=",1,D7LXA-xm8ZPhkyHLlw8ou61tAQfuOCiIIQ8M7RWTRPMCICE4uIUn6oYEAaISuO1eRW4LYxkHIBVL8NTvr2eO8B2rDid6DQ49dsZ957hMG0lb3eZM6suR9WCfoA,,&typo=1" target="_blank" title=",1,HTeT_L5ktMhTRZvYiGhIRVdNkDVn8ru3Amlxg7f2i_EKbv46YJPZcJNL8PCk6Yyj8nTTYB8lFH1VEw8QCkfGzXYoEP"></a>.</p><h3><strong>Peer-Supported Learning is hiring! </strong></h3><p>Are you interested in working a paid, on-campus job that helps students achieve their academic goals? Peer-Supported Learning (PSL) is a great way to build your leadership skills, make friends and add valuable work experience to your resume. It also counts towards your <a href=",1,BC_aE2oZ1-5CVwbUpzsfefbda4RocZdz8335VnvYc33Isx5JUJ9WektgzYjljajVIblH3giqRY1j2H1iweT1UswgKM27HGq8oep6oM9g&typo=1" title="">Co-Curricular Record</a>! To learn more about becoming a PSL leader, please visit our <a href=",1,FoQ6Tv3HQH7EDd4ABmzsxscMhcNMI6RRpF8H9H8ubV8h_DxS5ycq0dCYwq4Ti-HMOhzvUMXtrE-b8JCCt04EVNYG4CHLVmEIIbMutAdjjG5k&typo=1" title="">application webpage</a>.</p><h3><strong>Women’s circle </strong></h3><p>Join the Office of Indigenous Education & Engagement to chat in a safe space, open to all Indigenous employees and students who identify as female. The next circle takes place on December 16 from 3-4 pm. Email <a href=""></a> for Zoom info.</p><h3><strong>Curious Minds Newsletter </strong>🧠💭</h3><p>In case you missed VIU’s student research newsletter, <a href=",1,Wc8v4QVb7B7GIlH-Fy5cdANQ0iDDLC1D2yq2kA2EUEjE-cEeVnXKMKihha6EPyc76jymjiAPPTf-wH0YyvOd4FMWgVjBav4wYIWcnlYE-8WmV8g_ePw,&typo=1">here’s a link to the November edition of Curious Minds</a>.</p><h3><strong>Conference funding </strong>💰</h3><p>Did you attend a conference this semester, or are going to one in the Spring? You may qualify for funding! Check out the <a href=",1,fHAzRDv5toTVVmiEqL-Py8aVWSfu-njR3IlNPWerAXPMBE-I2tcWu_LROqtAbOkjpsXsipl56cDl2l2EDTvToyfmUoP8LvYYtu1LOKMX2Mc1c-Q,&typo=1">Conference Funding</a> website for more information. Application deadline: <strong>January 21, 2022</strong>. Contact <a href="" target="_blank" title="">Kendra Stiwich</a> if you are interested. </p><h3><strong>Semélshun </strong></h3><p>The Office of Indigenous Education & Engagement and Services for Aboriginal Students invite you to the fall 2021 Semélshun Aboriginal Graduation Recognition Ceremony on Friday, December 3, from 11 am to 12 pm. We will honour Indigenous students who have completed master’s and bachelor’s degrees, as well as diplomas and certificates this fall. We look forward to seeing you there. Email <a href=""></a> for the Zoom link.</p><h3><strong>New podcast </strong>📱</h3><p>VIU Criminology and Digital Media Studies students created a podcast that was picked up by the Podcast Studies Podcast! <a href=",1,c1Lhkf8kLY7sjhlJco6EgEaEFp1hZ6Ir1qzZ-Q83GNO4uxdSGvgIsDkWpxWkSJMrtgYo51wxIovPf14e0UYPUVXgT223YFkuVzILZtgxMi1bLwdURgRiybMtfw,,&typo=1">Listen here</a>.</p><h3><strong>New online learning tool from CRA </strong></h3><p>Want to do your taxes on your own? The Canada Revenue Agency has got a new online tool that will teach you everything you need to know. <a href=",1,5Z64a3HdpZ3To09vOzOjB7y6JnnxBkQ-7r3PYbn7cXuEENQIJY6QK-Bl-CzgvIg8obQDfrzBs1AJH2oznb4kMdlh2VYRNyLca-A5kfUIR3J56twAzQXfcA,,&typo=1">Learn about your taxes</a>.</p><h2>Mark your calendars</h2><h3><strong>Exam period </strong>📌</h3><p>Final exams take place December 13-22. Check out VIU Success Coach Sharon Kelly’s <a href=",1,zxV7qSC7k1oKsTLpmdeRNH4gjD6Ty137aK4uc-BcaaVDCj1KEiBblrnVWUK2agDVyP3EJcTm61-ikrnde-YwgUCe3scxqwInu2jxcTfsEyxqIxmsrsY,&typo=1">tips to promote clear thinking</a>. Student blogger Preet Parmar also has some <a href=",1,3WLPeh79nYZZjYEEWnZU5wfwgT6Wr73gbj53igboNwexfQYHTrVBuMGnLAvxsyaNdH7Isb6pJD7lFjdNZ4CVEqrzcSuAJTJQss5JPjyk&typo=1">self-care tips</a> to help you weather this time period.</p></body>\n </html> """ "summary" => null "format" => "basic_html" ] ] "field_blog_author" => [] "field_blog_author_link" => [] "field_blog_sub_heading" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "Magic show, wellness breaks and your chance to win prizes\u{A0}💰" ] ] "field_display_image_below_header" => [] "field_hero_format" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "short_image" ] ] "field_hero_image_media" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "287" "entity" => array:23 [ "mid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "287" ] ] "uuid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "1b2d282f-632b-42c9-9b9e-3add4f26c47e" ] ] "vid" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "273" ] ] "langcode" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "value" => "en" ] ] "bundle" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "target_id" => "image" "entity" => array:14 [ "uuid" => "63d3472d-3317-492d-98b3-b0caf304e34e" "langcode" => "en" "status" => true "dependencies" => array:1 [ "module" => array:1 [ 0 => "crop" ] ] "third_party_settings" => array:1 [ "crop" => array:1 [ "image_field" => "_none" ] ] "_core" => array:1 [ "default_config_hash" => "FnuLezDbmiD87VTFx3nJPWqbCHqRHJXQs7WfUtIbsIw" ] "id" => "image" "label" => "Image" "description" => "Use local images for reusable media." 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